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Red dots!

Hey so recently my body has been covered in these red bumps/dots. Only certain areas itch and the other areas just look bad. From what I remember it started around my belly button and stomach area about 3 days ago, and it spread thrown my chest, back, a little on my thighs and hand/arm. It's really bad on my stomach area and the other spots don't itch, just gross redness. I'm starting to worry and I've tried taking Benadryl just to calm it down. Going to the doctor is my last choice, and hopefully there is another solution. For the past 3 days, I don't remember eating or drinking anything UNUSUAL from my daily life. I also am taking a acne pill (Doxycyline Hyclate 100mg per day) but I truly doubt its the pill because I've been taking it for almost a year without any allergic symptoms.

Please help me, this problem is freaking me out and just looking at it makes me worried.

Thank you so much!
3 Responses
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     I think you are having hives or urticaria, which can occur due to allergies or infection or stress or can even occur without any reason. They also disappear on their own but itching can be controlled with use of antihistamines. You need to see a dermatologist for further examination and confirmation of the cause for this. Best.
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This is exactly what happend to me yesterday and it started on my right wrist and i am getting worried about it and I don't know what it is. I have sensative skin and i don't know if i'm elergic to anything except for pollen.

please help me figure this out thanks
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     As mentioned in the previous post, it could be hives or dermatitis. You can use antihistamines for relief from itching. I would recommend that you consult a dermatologist for further confirmation on this. Best.

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