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Hi I have suffered with Rhinitis for years, but it has got to a really bad stage, Post Nasal Drip is causing me a nightmare, coughing, but worst is the chestiness and coughing up of phlegm, I am currently on Flixonaise spray, Montelukast Soduim Tablets, Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets, Alvesco Inhaler Ciclesonide and now just been prescribed a Ventolin Inhlaler.  Went to my GP again last week who prescribed a course of Amoxicill 500 mg for a week, these have made me fell far worse. I am at my wits end with the coughing and chestiness. Astma has been ruled out, ENT cannot find any probls so waiting to go back to Chest Clinic, anyone out there any tips for me. I am normally very active, but cannot walk short places now without getting out of breath.
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We had a patient in our office with a very similar problem a few weeks ago. He was put on a brand new nasal product called Qnasl. It is a dry nasal canister spray that treats Rhinitis better than anything I have ever seen. We put a number of our worst Rhinitis patients on it and they say it is a miracle. A couple of them said it burned a bit for the first few days they used it but then it went away. One of the doctors in my clinic said the reasoned it burned for some of them, was that the spray was getting deeper into the sinus cavities where the tissue was still inflamed and that the older wet nasal sprays could not get there as well. See if you can get a sample of it from you doctor and give it a try. The worst thing that can happen is it doesn't work!

  I hope this helps!
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OMG, many thanks for this, I am seeing my chest specialist on Mon 30th July(at last) will take this along to him, I eneded up in A&E last week due to this problem, x rays, and bloods were good, however they said they found a problem with my heart on the ECG, well I do not know what happened, but it was not my ECG results as I did not have one. Got the record put straight after a lot of stress and phone calls.

Will let you know what the doc says, and once again thanks
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I am interested to know as to what happened? Did you try the medicine Qnas?
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I am interested to know as to what happened? Did you try the medicine Qnas?
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