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For almost 2 weeks, the smell of cigarette's has been driving me crazy.  I live in a smoke free home, and I personally havent smoked in over 10 yrs.  With all I have read, most ENT's are at a loss, so is it better to go straight to a neurologist?  Also considering Im not currently insured, is this something that needs to be addressed very soon?  I have read everything from cysts, tumors, alzheimer's, seizures etc.  All very serious in my eyes.

Thank you.  
4 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Please check my post of Jan.5.2011 to historymama.
Energy Medicine is the new frontier for treating  a wide range of health issues.
Parosmia -which is the medical term of your particular issue- is mainly delivered and held by your energetic field of your body.
So Energy Medicine  is the most likely modality of medicine to help you with this.

Please post here again, should you need more info or to give update.
Meanwhile I will send you some healing energy. You will get over this.

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, smoky or cigarette smell can be present in certain conditions and it is termed as Parosmia (abhorrent odor perception).

It is usually associated with rhinosinusitis, head trauma, viral infection, or oral problems.

It frequently disappears with successful treatment of the above mentioned conditions.

Apart from treatment of the cause or in conditions wherein the cause remains unknown, in such conditions Anti seizure or anti epileptic medication like clonazepam against prescription is sometimes helpful esp. in persistent cases.

You can use scented wax or incense sticks before sleeping. You also need to maintain good sleep hygiene.

I suggest you to consult ENT specialist to rule out the cause. Take care and regards.
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Thank you for the reply.  I read historymama's post, and I feel grateful that my symptoms dont come close to her's.  Luckily, I am able to sleep etc.  Im all about holistic therapy; however, I was fully worried when I read some of the possibilities such as parkinson's, alzheimers, brain & spinal cord inflammation, cysts on pituitary, brain tumors ~ WOW! I luckily have no allergies, or stresses in life.  As a matter of fact Im the polar opposite.  I practice yoga, meditate and read inspirational books etc.

Energy Medicine is not something I have heard of, and I will definitely be researching it today.  Thank you so much.  
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Thank you for taking the time to reply as well.  I dont have any noticeable oral or sinus issues, nor suffered any head trauma.  However, I could have a viral infection wo knowing it.  I will have to see an ENT.  Treatments such as anti-seizure medicine would probably not work for me, since Im the type of person that doesn't even take OTCs. :)

Thank you once again.
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