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Severe Throat Pain/Sinus infection

Just last month I had suffered from severe throat pain leading to fever. I was treated with the antibiotic Azhithromycin, Dolo and allerga for 5 days. Th doc said that it could have been caused by a sinus infection.
This time again it seems like I am going to be back with a the same problem since I already have severe throat itching like how it stared last time and the doc too said that my throat is getting infected. I dont know wht my problem is and why I'm havimg this problem moreover seems like right nowI dont have most of the sinus symptoms. I really am not interested in taking another course of antibiotics. Please help!!
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You should do warm saline or betadiene gargles daily, and take steam inhalation. Use saline nasal drops a couple of times daily and try to avoid very chilled and spicy foods.

This should help with your symptoms and you should feel better.

What is your age? Has tonsillitis been ruled out?

You would need to take an antibiotic course gain if your symptoms worsen and you have fever or greenish sputum.

Let us know how you are doing and if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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You should do warm saline or betadiene gargles daily, and take steam inhalation. Use saline nasal drops a couple of times daily and try to avoid very chilled and spicy foods.

This should help with your symptoms and you should feel better.

What is your age? Has tonsillitis been ruled out?

You would need to take an antibiotic course gain if your symptoms worsen and you have fever or greenish sputum.

Let us know how you are doing and if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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