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Severe stomach pain and hands seizing up

Shortly after dinner last night (eating foods I always eat) I started to get a severe pain high up in my stomach, kind of in between my ribs. The pain gradually worsened and I was unable to lie down or change positions as this made it flare up more. I was finding it hard to breathe, felt slightly nautious and was sweating intensely - then I started feeling pins and needles, which were strongest down my arms, this was followed by my hands feeling intense 'buzzing' and then they started to curl up and kind of seized in a kind of closed up position - I could not move them. After a few minutes all of these symptoms began to unwind until the pain had gone and my hands were back to normal.
I dont know if this was an allergy to food as our dinner consisted of things we eat everyday.
Any ideas?
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449658 tn?1211304322
Did you ever figure out what happened here?  My friend had the exact same symptoms yesterday - and i'm worried about her - did you ever figure out what this was - has it happened again?
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I had the exact same thing the other day.  I am a 23 year old average weight virgin girl.
Let me first say I've been sick for months with I don't know what??  It all started with joint and back pain, then pseudotumor cerebri, and then all hell broke loose, but just among the infections I've had (apart from a host of other symptoms): month long bronchitis, two month long brutal oral thrush, and now a rash all over my mouth and throat which looks like the wikipedia picture of hand, foot and mouth disease, though I don't know, maybe herpes simplex, or I don't know what.  

ANYWAY: Day before last I was extremely tired and curled up in my bed under my duvet cover at like noon.  I'm always cold (my normal body temp is around 96.8 and never breaks 97.6 or so) and my room always heated too hot for most people due my space heater, though to me it feels just right.  Well this time, I couldn't get warm, for the first time ever I had to turn it up to the max setting, snuggle under the duvet cover and still couldn't get warm.  I lay like that half asleep for like 5 hours.  By then I was still freezing and really uncomfortable, my chest hurt all around my lower rib cage badly and I felt really "funny."

Something felt very OFF.  I rolled out of my bed and ran to the toilet, when I sat down my head started positively swimming, a cold sweat/chill/ pressurized tingling (I feel skin tingles often, but this felt like it was a deep gushing tingling in my very blood) erupted from my head and radiated down my body.  Severe nausea took hold.  Not to sound gross but I got really bad diarrhea with no control. I projectile vomited all over the place over and over and over and over.  All the while, my hands and feet completely seized, I could not move them at all for five minutes, and they were frozen stiff in a really weird strained position, like some fingers bent but then my middle finger and slightly my pointer finger standing up bent back at the middle knuckle and flexed forward at the top knuckle, like someone with athritis.  Also to note, I hadn't eaten for 8 hours and before that nothing all day except a small bit of bread, cheese and tomato, which I eat often all my life.

The episode, or whatever it was, was terrifying.  Before I even vomited, the cold sweat chills were crashing like waves over my skin, I was screaming for help with what little breath I had.  I thought that I was going to have to call 911.

Nothing like this has ever happened to me ever in my life, the closest thing which doesn't even compare was a bad reaction to the meningitis shot four years ago.  That time all I got a more gradual not so intense, no cold-sweat, dizziness and the doctors and nurses said my face had gone completely white like the blood had drained from my head.  

I'm just wondering what happened to me?  More importantly is it likely to happen again and is there anything I can do to avoid it?
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I was wondering if this ever happened again or if you figured out what had happened? The same exact thing happened to me at about 5 a.m..
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Sounds like the norovirus or something similar. I'm holed up with it at the moment. Vomiting (lots), diarrhoea, chills, joint pain, dizziness and pins a and needles which at its worst can cause your joints to seize up (my hands locked up as described above and subsided after about 5 minutes). It's not pleasant at but you just have to ride it out as there's nothing a doctor can do and it's highly contagious.
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Has anyone figured out what this is? It's so scary.
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     This is wierd... This is exactly what happened to me.  I have been sick with the flu for the last 6 days and then I was able to shake it off for a couple of days.  I then went to sushi with a couple of my classmates (I'm in nursing school) and started getting food poisoning symptoms a couple of hours later.  Essentially out of both ends to be less visual.  
     I was up all night and the next morning, and had never felt so horrible.  I decided to take a shower, and when I was getting out my forearms became tingly and then my hands completely seized up.  My pinky and ring finger were folded over (in fist position) and my other three were hyper-extended outward.  This lasted for at least 10 minutes.  Of course I was home alone, so I called my mother (who is a nurse) and my aunt ( who is a doctor) to see what the heck might be going on.
     From the symptoms I told them, they told me that it was a panic attack.  They can be caused by a variety of things, and I didn't even know I was stressed out enough to have one.  I hope this helps.  It was very scary for me and understanding what the possibilities of diagnosis really helped me.  Not knowing could trigger another one.
     Hope all is well now.
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