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Sudden adult onset of food allergies? Specifically, chocolate. . .

Is it possible to develop a food allergy in adulthood that you have never experienced before?  I'm 32 years old and have recently developed unexplained head pain; a CAT scan showed nothing abnormal.

I had a 24-hour respite from the head pain and then it returned.  The only thing I could associate with the change was eating chocolate and can recall an increase in my chocolate consumption over the past two weeks.

Can an adult develop a food allergy from out of nowhere?

105 Responses
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Hi Kelly, just quick question, a relative of mine also developed an allergy to chocolate, she is in her 80's and now gets severe migraines if she consumes anything chocolate, or chocolate related, including chocolate icing etc.... she told me that she never had it until she received her flu jab. I see you posted this in 2007 and the flu jab wasn't so prevalent then so its a long shot....but thought I'd ask anyway.

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I waited 5 months :(
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Sh3ll, I just posted this to someone else, but have you tried Ritualist Skincare?  It's a natural line and the lady is very aware of what goes into her products, and is also willing to customize to suit specific needs if you message her. I think all her stuff is soy and gluten free, check it out. www.ritualistskincare.etsy.com She adds new things frequently as well, really hoping a soy free shampoo is next on the list!
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Have you found out any more about your condition? I was going to suggest a birch allergy - it cross reacts with a LOT of foods, I think all of the ones you mentioned. I'm curious to learn if you  have found a good way of dealing with it yet, I could use the tips.
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I have similar symptoms to you, and have been scared to try immunotherapy in fear of developing a reaction. Do you think it may be the shots that are making you feel ill even after avoiding these foods? I'm just wondering, because I know that the shots do contain small amount of allergens - that's how they try to desensitize you
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Hi Deb,
I have a very similar story as your daughter, got diagnosed with a huge list of allergies and have had a hard journey not only finding foods, but skincare that I can use as well.  I would spend so much money and have everything give me acne or rashes.... not fun. Anyway, if you want to look into it, there is a lady who makes allergen safe natural skin care products in Canada, her whole thing is "minimal ingredients for maximum benefit" and is great with consultations and customizing products you might want to try. RitualistSkincare.Etsy.com I think she has a history of allergies too, so she's pretty aware of what goes into her products.
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I've been wondering about a thyroid disorder as well, had it checked a couple of years ago, and it came back normal.

Would you be able to give a little insight about what questions to ask or what to tell the doctor? What were your symptoms, and how did it improve? was it felt immediately after going on meds? do you take any supplements?  I don't have a GP and usually go to a walk-in clinic, where they aren't the best at diagnostics.
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Wow, I'm glad to find someone else in the same boat as me, not that it's a good boat to be in.

I'm also allergic to soy, all legumes, all nuts, oat. wheat, etc. all fruit and berries except blue berries, and can only really eat broccoli, kale, spinach, sweet potato and lettuce on the vegetable spectrum. i've also found that I get a strange tingling sensation and often develop painful spots on my face after eating sheep or goat related things.

My allergist discovered that I'm basically intolerant of things related to birch and grasses, but did not do anything to help me cope with this information. I actually became MORE sensitive after the test, as it introduced all of these things into my blood stream at once.

i'm struggling as well, gain weight really quickly, and feel a swelling in m throat and just overall puffiness as you mentioned. I'm going to try my best again to stay away from these foods, but with such a long list it's really difficult to get adequate nutrition.

I wanted to mention that people should be careful about vitamins and supplements they may take as well, soy and other foods are lurking in a lot of them.

Glycerine and Vitamin E is also derived ( 90% of the time) from soy, so be careful of skin care products and cough syrups as well.
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14289051 tn?1433782325
hi, hungry101,
how long did you have to wait for your test referral?

my gp said he would send me & I forgot to ask how long it would take I was so thankful...

im literally scared to eat anything at the moment, :(

im 38 & a tin of chick peas seems to have ended my world... im now reacting to anything & everything..
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Hey all. I started getting tummy troubles about 10 years ago n found out I was gluten intolerant so I did a gluten free diet which helped.  But then I started getting sick all the time which caused anxiety and depression. I went through psychologists and medication which I didn't like so I tried a natropath. Anyway I ended up googling (not the best idea but I was desperate) found the candida diet n ssymptoms of which I had 90% of them.  This diet is very strict and you need strobg probiotics but after a few weeks I began ferling normal then a majority of my symptoms went including my anxiety. I have strayed a bit as hard to stick to but I have changed my diet alot. You will lose weight though and feel yucky during the detox. But the only thing is now im getting face rashes that burn and itch so no doubt im allergic to something else. Good luck to everyone :)
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2077189 tn?1331868107
mockery? She wasn't, she was stating facts. I grew up with no technology, advent of the internet , pagers and then cell phones. People don't understand what WIFI and EMF frequencies do to people. There are people that have become so sensitive that they have moved out of certain areas.

I'm not allergic but iam sensitive. Your router or modem/router combo, which is common, puts out a ton of EMF and WIFI. Here is a site that talks about dirty electricity and situations that are happening. You can always click to the main page, this is going directly to the research page.


Its not about getting rid of all of it, but we didn't or technology tolerance isn't in our genes, any of us. Thousands of years none of it existed, like there were no refrigerators or food cabinets but now were stock up with them. Its balance. Limit the amount of LCD's, plasmas, xbox, ps2, cell phones, routers, modems, notebooks, etc , in a single room. In one room, I had a plasma, notebook, cell phone, computer and the router until I moved the router. I would leave everything off unless I used it and it did make a difference.


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this sounds a bit extreme. i don't know if this is meant to be helpful or a mockery or others with health problem.

no tv, no computers, no sex too eh?  asking a little too much aren't we?
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Hi everyone,  Here's something different to think about : Electro-pollution can cause a lot of symptoms.  Try unplugging all appliances in the bedroom, try turning off wifi (at the router too!), turn off the cordless phone - or even better replace it with a corded phone, even try turning off as much of the household power circuits as you can overnight at least.  Make sure you don't live close to a cell phone tower.
Electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity and high frequency microwave radiation can cause a lot of unwellness.
I am finding that I can no longer eat chocolate (and I love chocolate!), smoked salmon, Thai food and some other things - still working it out - I get pain in my head and sinuses and feel nauseaus.  I do notice that having a good 'environment' in the house is helpful to me.
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2077189 tn?1331868107
Its going to be difficult unless you have a functional medicine MD. They know the extensive test beyond standard MD's . Standard MD's aren't taught these things and don't have specialties in many other areas. Their IGG IGA IGM tests pale in comparison to outside labs they don't even know about. You can order "certain" labs yourself and pay online and the results sent to your doctor but not sure they will know what to do. Find a functional medicine doctor, an MD or internal medicine at the functional medicine website . There is a drop down to choose from. I agree with you on the crap being put into our foods. Soy isn't as great as some may think. There are many other reason why this has happened, trust me I know. Tests like Neuro Science test , Geno test to name a couple make all the difference in the world. Food now compared to 10 20 etc years ago just isn't the same.
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i'm in similar boat. i'm around 32 as well and recently got hit with mild gi issues and food allergy.  i also feel strong suspicion on gmos.  i feel better with organic soy, beef,etc . i strictly stick with organics as i had some unpleasant discomfort with non-organics and use caution for trying new foods.

but i also developed allergy to some food regardless organic or not such as egg, brocolli, apple just to name a few, which is weird considering i never had problems with these before.

gmo makers secretly putting them in our food supply is very evil. i earnestly hope those evil bastards get what they deserve for such injustice.

in the meantime, i'm investigating cure with my family doctor and specialists.

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I agree with you....I am allergic to almost everything.  It has been a nightmare on one hand but a relief on the other....for years they said I had Lupus or an Auto-Immune disorder....the Allergist told me not to come back that I was allergic to everything he tested me for....food mostly. I am celiac, allergic to peanuts, all root vegetables like carrots and potatoes, melons, except watermelon, bananas, soy, lemons and oranges, etc....I ate all of these things growing up and I wasn't allergic to anything. I can eat meat, most milk products, rice, berries, green beans, but no peas or beans...which means no humus...it is a living nightmare on some levels.  I believe it is the GMO's and the deliberate manipulation of food from changing DNA to Pesticides to adding more gluten to flour.  Everyday I must take benadryl just to be out in the world.  I can't go to restaurants and I only eat organic free of peanuts, wheat, soy....etc....Supplementation is the way to go...magnesium, Vit D, all B vitamins, coconut oil, etc.....I ate peanut butter all my life and now if I smell it it can kill me!  Epi Pens everywhere!!!!
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I meant to write:

As it turns out, whenever I take the magnesium, my strange allergies become much milder.

I'm still wondering if it's connected to the vitamin D deficiency. I've only started supplementing 5 days ago, and it supposedly takes months to get better.

I'll try and remember to come back here and post after a few months!
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I've had similar problems, and I have yet to really pinpoint the cause. However, it turns out that I'm HEAVILY deficient in Vitamin D (5 ng/ml).

I just started supplementing my vitamin D. In order to enhance it, I was told to take Magnesium too (200 or 200x2 daily).

As it turns out, whenever I take the magnesium, my strange allergies

** This might not be your problem ** but anyone who posted here and who has done all the other tests should look into Vitamin D deficiency and/or magnesium deficiency.

Also, B12 deficiency could indicate intrinsic factor issues with your stomach (my B12 is fine though).
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I too have had sudden onset of food and environmental allergies. I have been to see gp after gp allergist and so on I'm fed up. I too am ending up in the er and having to have shots of adrenalin I can't find the common denominator. With me the severe migraines started after having my first child then after having my second child and half my thyroid removed the allergic reactions started only then they kept telling me they were anxiety attacks that was 5 years ago and every day has been a constant battle. Only 1 year ago I found out they were allergies. I too am now too scared to step outside and live and don't know what else to try my doctor is starting to make me feel like an idiot because I'm demanding to see another specialist but he has no idea to send me to. The scratch and allergy test determined that I had a lot of allergies but in my mindset I'm seeing that a lot of these comments are from women and after giving birth with that and my other symptoms i strongly feel that it hormonal or something is causing these symptom and I can't shake the feeling that there is an underlying cause I'm not expecting a miracle cure but not knowing what's wrong with me is literally driving me crazy to the point of suicide. I feel like I'm in this on my own and the people around don't understand the severity of all this. I live in a small town and my funds are running low I need any suggestions I can get I'm disparate plz help me.
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2077189 tn?1331868107
you need an MD trained in "functional/integrative medicine. They go for the cause not the symptom. Doctors treat symtpoms not the problem, because they arent trained that way.

Dr. Hyman .. go to his website. CLick on the disease and look what he has cured, fixed and or made much much better. YOu will be educated on so may things. He is part of the board of the institute of functional medicine. Go to that site.. at the top is a navigation bar. Click on until you can find the  ' Find a functional medicine doctor in your area" . Then, make sure when looking for someone they are MD, Internal Medicine , Family Practice and have an MD next to their name. Then find one that has a webpage. It will be there. IF they dont, go to the next one. They changed my life.
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have u been tested for lyme disease? sounds like all symptoms are related
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I just recently experienced the food allergies and they get worse by the day! I have always been in tune with my body and remember my naturopath telling me I had a inflamed gut which I thought we treated but due to stress, caffeine, alcohol and etc I believe it has flared up again! It is called leaky gut syndrome aka a lot of symptoms can tie in to this! Google it, here is one website that just briefly goes over it.
and look up ways to treat leaky gut syndrome. I am in the process of the nutritional aspects of it and plan on using massage therapy and chiropractor and possibly acupuncture to help cool down the immune system and gut! Good luck everybody!
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I had that problem too. I started when I was on steriods and everything I ate was making me sick. I was having atypical migraines with visual disturbances and finally realized some of the migraines were due to eating preservatives and certain foods I was sensitive too. If you stay away and build up your immune system, that will help.  Also, check into the intrinsic factor, that was what I think causes my food allergies.
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i feel the same way, from the 6 panels that i have done i am only not allergic to eggplant, corn, chicken, and pork.
i have not found a protein shake that i can have that doesnt have milk soy whey rice in it, have you found anything?
i can not have wheat or pretty much any grain i am on 25 and i am sooo beyond frustrated and depressed,
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