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Sinus drainage

When I lay down at nite I feel sinus drainage going down my throat.  I have had sinus surgery which I will never do again.  It has awaken me from sleep because I feel like I am chocking on it.  I have no runny nose etc just itching of throat some and drainage sometimes I cough with it.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me.  I was told by my doctor its just allergy related and I do take clartin or zertex.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539


All these symptoms are leading to the possibility  of chronic post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions, or impairment in the normal clearance of mucus from the nose and throat.

Various causes for chronic post nasal drip are allergies,viral infections,deviated nasal septum,chronic sinusitis,adenoid enlargement and diseases like sarcoidosis and GERD.

Pls discuss these options with an ENT specialist and get yourself thoroughly examined.Treatment will depend on the cause.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.
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626646 tn?1242907042
hi you seem to suffer the same has me this year has been bad i have stopped taking my pertin tablets 3 days ago and i do not snezze just hope the flem in the back of my throat goes i have no sllep feels like drowning too but it seems easier now i have stopped taking tablets, best of luck .toulula
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