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Sinus infection + achy muscles

This is my first time posting. I'm a 27 year old male who is in pretty good shape, work out 4-5x a week and eats clean. About a week ago, my allergies started acting up and I think it developed into a sinus infection. I've been using a neti-pot 2x a day and taking Claritin D 24 hour once a day. The combo is helping but a few days ago, the sinuses on the bridge of my nose started hurting and I've been waking up with pain in my leg muscles (mainly my quadriceps)  I've been now also taking Advil congestion relief to try to allievate the sinus headaches.

Anyone have anything similar to this? Any ideas/suggestions?  
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563773 tn?1374246539
Muscle aches when you are having sinus infection are usually due to viral infections and viral fever causing pains. Although you have tried medicines,yet there is no relief.So I feel that you need to get an evaluation from an ENT surgeon and get a course of antibiotics and sinus drainage. You can also take nasal decongestants and steroid nasal drops.
I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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go see a doc he will give you a epi pen
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