519035 tn?1348275773

Sinus infection

Okay hear goes. I would classify myself as an overall healthy person.  I have had a postnasal drip all my life, that was never treated. Hear it goes. So I of course had all drainage and have never felt anything as horrible as this. I have a cold maybe once every 3 years lasts a couple of weeks and then its gone.  I had my last one 3 years ago.  Now all of the sudden my body hates me. I say this because I can't remember ever being this sick!  I started with a bloody nose maybe in middle of Feburary.  I felt a little congested but not bad.  By the end of Feb I broke out with the worst sinus infection in my life! I was draining everywhere. Heres how it started the day before I got sick I was eating dinner and felt as tho I got something caught in my throat. I went to the doc the following day and she said ooh its something viral.  The following day I had nothing but drainage from head to ears to nose. I couldn't even talk it just would come up and I would be spitting all over the place.  I couldn't even move from the couch. I called my other doc and he wanted all my symptoms. Docs favorite choice sudafed.  60mg 3 times a day. I took it now Im into month two of this thing. I broke out in hives visited doc three times already!  After the hive outbreak I felt my chest. It was so tight I could barely move my arms. I went into the Er.  So now long story short here's my medicine.
Medrol dose pack 4mg for six days
Mucinex for the phlegm blockage in my chest
Zyrtec which isn't helping twice a day

Any other things would be helpful I see the doc on wed thanks
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It is nice to know that you are doing better and are continuing with the medications and following up with your doctor.

Consult an ENT specialist and get an ear examination done.

You could try some steam inhalation and warm saline gargles and see if it helps with your symptoms.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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519035 tn?1348275773
ahh talked to dad i have always had problems with wax buildup in ears. So guess i have to result to the old hydrogen peroxide. It did work wonders when i was a kid so hopefully all will be good by the end of the week.!
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519035 tn?1348275773
Hi yeah there slowly improving. I am done now with the medrol dose pak. It seemed to be the most helpful. I am on two weeks of antibiotics. I don't think there really helping. She seems to think I had a throat infection from all the draining. My main complaint was the ear infection ive had all my life. It seems to be breaking up a lot of the fluid tho. So hopefully it will clear it all up. soon. I am feeling better tho. I have been using the nasal saline spray for nose, claritn, and benadryl in between. My ears are popping like crazy so I guess thats a good sign.  Ill be on nasonex by next week. I was taking flonase and gave me a sore throat when I was using it. Anymore advice on how to relieve the chronic rhinitis would be helpful. I think Ill be okay now that I got most of the draining stopped.  It has been a miserable 5 months tho!
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How are you doing now? Have your symptoms shown some resolution?

Have you seen a doctor for your complaints?

Let us know about any doubts that you have and post us about how you are doing.

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519035 tn?1348275773
Yeah I forgot to mention about another nasal spray, the flonase just turned my stomach after the first two days!
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519035 tn?1348275773
yeah thanks I went and saw my doctor finally. I told her I have been having problems with sinuses since I was a kid. But this is as full blown infection.  She wants me to take the amoxicillin for the next two weeks. +finish off my medrol pack. My pack came in 21 pills so should I finish them all?? I should call her and find out Im assuming so since thats what the er gave me. The medrol seem to be helping So Im hoping that the amoxi will too.  She eventually wants to do the chest xray and sinus scan but wants me to try the antis first
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You could be having sinusitis or rhinitis. Do you have associated symptoms of cough, wheeze, breathlessness,  etc?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications for your complaints and see if it helps with the symptoms.

You should see your doctor and get a clinical examination for a diagnosis and to evaluate if any investigations are required including blood tests, chest xray and CT scan of the sinuses.

Are you allergic to any specific substances or have had allergic reactions in the past?

Talk to your doctor about steroid nasal sprays and a course of antibiotic medications. Apply calamine lotion at the sites of the rash and avoid sun exposure and use a medicated sun screen.

Let us now about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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