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Sinusitis & Wheezing

For the past year I've had chronic sinusitis. CT scan shows no disease; antibiotics have had no impact. I've recently been tested for allergies; only showed minimal allergies to 3 molds and cedar.  Besides the chronic drainage resulting in constant nose-blowing, coughing and throat-clearing, this condition now causes me to wheeze when exhaling. Condition worsens in the evenings. However, when PCP checks my lungs, they sound clear.  Any suggestions?  Also, I've had a couple of incidents of leukocytoclastic vasculitis which an internal medicine specialist doctor believes have been triggered by this chronic sinusitis. I'm praying for an answer to this mystery cause of chronic sinusitis in hopes of mitigating future outbreaks of the vasculitis.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
is there anyway to reverse the damage done to the immune system by antibiotics which may cause asthma?
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What you describe sounds like sinusitis .

Do you have any reflux symptoms too? You should consult your doctor immediately.

Proper clinical evaluation is essential before medications can be prescribed.

You would be prescribed antibiotics - especially azithromycin or roxithromycin for a longer duration of a few weeks, steroid nasal sprays, antihistaminic medications.

Till then you could do some steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, saline nasal drops and OTC antihistaminic medications.

You should try cetrizine/ loratidine/ fexofenadine/ rupatadine. All these are the generic names and you could ask for them.

Do let us know what your doctor advises.

Hope this helps.
Good luck.

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