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Skin faces burn and red

Please, my wife need help. We live in Brasil. She always has alergy problem. When she was youg she had alergy in back of the knee, and in the elbow. Times a go the allergy appeared is her face, near in the corner of the mouth.
The problem is  more and more serious. Then appeard in her chin,  after in part of her face, and all face.
Here, the doctor always says it´s a atopic dermatithe, an allergy, etc.
She only becames better when take cortizona and corticosteroides, but it´s not to take forewer, because....
She is very bad, she is a women, and her face don´t look well.

Last Result Examen:
IgE total -Imunoglobina E: 3.430,o kU/L  
IgE Rast Hast Fungos -group HX2:    More than 100 kUA/L  
IgE Rast Hast Blomia tropicalis:        More than 100 kUA/L

May you halpe us!
Sorry I don´t speak english very well.
Paulo Santos- São Paulo - Brasil

2 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
Zyrtex is a prescription medicine but, Claritan is not and both are oral medicines taken once a day. Zyrtex can make you tired...I don't think Claritan does?
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179332 tn?1273247359
the dermatitis and allergy diagnosis sounds correct. I am not sure if they sell Aveeno lotion in Brazil? It's an oatmeal based lotion. I wash my face with very mild soap (Ivory) and apply Aveeno every day and every night.  I haven't had any face/skin/allergy problems since... I would maybe ask a doctor is there is an antihistimine she could take - like Zyrtex that would prevent the problems ((if allergy related))
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