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2 hives 1 hour after 1st dose Cipro?

I get itchy spots on my jawline from touching my face and they clear up very quickly with Gold Bond Powder. I also will get one 'hive' if elastic is rubbing on my skin or a tag on a shirt is hard or poking me. I have anxiety quite bad at times and take Klonopin for that. Yesterday only took it at 6 a.m. until I panicked after reading about Klebsiella.

Yesterday my urine culture came back with a small amount of Klebsiella and doctor ordered Cipro. I'm allergic to Sulfa drugs.  Less than one hour later I had an itch spot (small hive) on either side of my face/ jawline. Yes, I was touching my face.  I used the powder and went to bed.  

Should I be concerned that this might have been hives from the Cipro? If so, are minor hives from Cipro serious?

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Hi Diane,

Just finished reading your comments. Product names : Cipro, Ciloxan.
Ciprofloxacin, a quinolone antibacterial, is used to treat several types
of bacteria resistant to other commonly used antibiotics. It is especially
useful for some types of chest infections, and skin, intestinal , and urinary tract infections.
Possible Adverse Effects
Ciprofloxacin commonly causes nausea and vomiting; other side effects are
less common, except when high doses are given. Painful and inflamed tendons should be reported to your physician at one, treatment should be
discontinued, and the affected limbs rested.

Common Side Effects
Nausea/vomiting            discuss with physician only if severe
Rash/Itching                 *  discuss with physician in all cases
Abdominal pain/diarrhea discuss with physician only if severe

Rare Side Effects

Dizziness/headache *
Join Pain                   *
Sleep Disturbance    *
Photosensitivity         **
Jaundice                    **
Confusion/convulsions  **
Painful, inflamed tendons  **

*  discuss with physician only if severe
** discuss with physician in all cases

The information cited comes from " The Canadian Guide to Drugs and
Supplements published by Reader's Digest. ( revised and updated )
copyrighted 2008

Based on what I read about Cipro , it is strongly advised that you inform
your doctor about the rash that happened after you first dose of Cipro.
I hope you found this information helpful   Eve
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Good Morning,  The Gold Bond Powder cleared up the hives quickly and I've had a 2nd dose with no reaction so far.  I called the pharmacist prior to the 2nd dose and she said that if the reaction WERE minor hives caused by Cipro, Benadryl would be added instead of stopping the med.

I'll post again if I break out again, but since I was very nervous and rubbing my face, this appears to be one of my normal hive incidents.  
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Well right after I took the 2nd dose I broke out with hives on my face, chest, rear end and back.  Then the diarrhea began.  I was able to make it through a Doctor visit and taken OFF Cipro (which was free at Publix) and put on a stronger Keflex type drug that was $226.26 with a $25.00 coupon.  

This one has very few side effects and I've always been okay with Keflex.  

Thanks for the help!
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Hi Diane493,

I'm glad to hear that you are off the Cipro and on the Keflex which you
say has very few side effects.  You mentioned that you suffer from
anxiety quite bad sometimes. Instead of taking a prescription drug like
Klonopin for anxiety, you might consider taking a homeopathic or
naturopathic supplement. This of course is just a suggestion.
I've just recently started taking a natural medicine called Pascoflair
which is a natural medicine which is very calming and really helpful
as a sleep aid. It's available at most health food stores where I live
here in Ontario. " Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a sleep
aid ( in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress) .
It's passion flower in tablet form and I find it very helpful. I helps take
the edge of and may help you with your anxiety. I wish you well.  Eve
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You mentioned your doctor prescribed Klonopin otherwise known as Clonazepam for your anxiety issues or panic attacks. I had a really bad
panic attack over ten years ago during my depression. I wouldn't say
I have an anxiety disorder, but I get anxious from time to time and I
use deep breathing and other calming techniques to help me.
Anyway, on a hunch, I decided to look up the possibe side effects of Klonopin or Clonazapam. I goggled this question ; what are the side
effects of Klonopin ? A whole bunch of websites appeared. There was
on site in particular which appeared when I goggled that question which
I would suggest you take a look at. I looked at a number of the websites
but this website gives you Klonopin's possible and most serious side
effects in detail.  The website is called " Klonopin Side Effects in
Detail.Drugs.com  . You can also access this information by going to
www.drugs.com and using the search feature, but the first way I
mentioned is more direct.  I promise you this information is worth looking
at . After reading this, you might want to consider asking your doctor
to take you off the Klonopin/Clonazepam. I don't know how long you've
been on Klonopin , but it's only for short term use. Like all medication,
never stop taking the drug without consulting your doctor. I hope this
information has been helpful .  Eve
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