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Skin reaction looks like dried whiteout and feels like an acidic burn...chemical burn?

A place on my thumb and pointer finger starting tingling, stinging and burning. I looked at my fingers and saw this white stuff on my hands. It looked like dried whiteout.  The way it was positioned were in places seeming as if I were holding something like a key or the way I would hold a fork or my toothbrush. I immediately went to wash it off or do what I could to get it to come off and it would not. Eventually it stopped feeling as if it were doing more damage but it still felt like a bunch of pricks from tingly needles. After two hours it slowly came off like a chemical would or something. It has been a half day and my skin on my thumb is still hot and I get occasional light prickly feelings on my two tender fingers. It is bothering me that I can't find any clues. Would this be a reaction from a chemical or something else? Does anyone have any ideas of what kinds of chemicals or anything else that could produce such a reaction? I would be very appreciative of any help what-so-ever. Please and thank you very much.
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Well, thank you.
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1973043 tn?1395556719
Good research!
Now I know too. :)
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Thank you for your suggestions but I believe I actually stumbled upon the answer. Someone said it can happen from hydrogen peroxide which I do use daily. I stumbled on this through another message board and almost everyone had contact with hydrogen peroxide minus the exception of one person. A couple of people said that they only touched the bottle of it and it happened around 10 or 15 minutes after. I looked it up through google images, "skin reaction hydrogen peroxide looks like whiteout" and I found a pic of two fingers that looked exactly how mine did. I clicked on it, went to the site and it broke down the scientific reason why that happens. I guess I have my answer. :]
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1973043 tn?1395556719
I'm not a doctor or anything, but the only thing that I can think of is if your came into contact for a good amount of time with bleach or blonde hair dye.
It reminds me more of blonde hair dye. Haha.

Had you been cleaning or anything like that? I know people who are also allergic to certain types of dish soap.
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