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Small Itcy Bump

Good Morning,

I have been bitten by unknown insect about 9 days ago, turned into quite a wheal.  Since this time I have had small, extremely, itcy,bumps pop up.  Sometimes they itch so badly that I'll wake up scratching them in the night.  They occur on various parts of my body but only one here and there.  While searching this site I had one pop on a toe and one on my abdomen.  They don't appear to be any kind of bug bite as there is no bite.  

Thank you for your consideration in this matter,

4 Responses
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How are you? Try to avoid scratching to prevent secondary infection. If you have no history of allergies, this could be an irritation, infection  or insect/mite bite.  Over-the-counter antihistamine medication at night may also help provide relief. If it persists, have this evaluated further by your doctor for proper management. Direct clinical examination is essential in determining the underlying cause. Take care and best regards.
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Thanks, Doc!  Will do.
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How are you? Do keep us posted with your itchy bumps and feel free to ask any clarifications. Take care and best regards.
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Sorry not to keep you in the loop Doc,

I have been taking the Benadryl at night and the Claritin during the day and putting the Campho Phenique (Sp.) on and it seems to be keeping the itch at bay and the bumps are going away of their own accord.

Thinking it was an allergy to dust mites, I stripped the bed linens and washed them real good using peroxide, hot water.  Vacuumed the bed since it was recently purchased I really don't there's a possibility of the bed bugs but to be sure I cleaned it and inspected it anyhow.  Also, hit it up with a lice spray and the Clorox Allergen Reducer Spray then gave it another good vacuuming.  Treated the rugs for fleas and gave the house another spring cleaning and started to use a very mild soap and mild lotion in case this is an environmental concern and it all effort seems to be helping.

About the lice spray I believe that it has an ingredient that is supposed to help with the control of dust mites and I spoke with the Doc in the pharmacy and showed her some of the "bite marks" and told me that it wouldn't hurt to use the lice spray.  She also didn't think it was the bed bugs either.  Spoke about the possibility of scabies and I've worked in a jail for several years, never had them.  Wouldn't it be something to have them now?  (Please God, No)

I spoke with my Mum and she informed me that the family breaks out in hives when the nerves get real bad but then again stress creeps up so silently, you really don't know you're stressing out until much later after the damage is done.  So that's another thing that I have been trying to tackle as well.  

Basically been using a 2 pronged approach and its working.  Sorry for the lengthy answer to your reply.  Thanks for checking in on me again.  Hope your days are going well.

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