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Small red bumps on inner thigh, forearms, armpits..

Over the past two weeks I have been dealing with a cold than turned into a sinus infection that has only recently begun to pass. My doctor prescribed me antibiotics over this last week that I just finished taking two days ago. All though my sinus infection is getting better, I woke up this morning with an itch on my foot around my ankles where the base of my leg meets my foot... Being only half awake to experience, I just scratched and went back to sleep. Once I woke up to examine it some more, I realized it was a rash. After going t the bathroom and finding my hands were itchy, I began examining further... My forearms began developing a rash that was sparse and not so visible. My inner thighs has a considerable amount of dots that just eventually become one large red rash on identical sides... and now the rash on my forearm has become more visible and spread near my armpit, not to mention on my palms. I'm not absolutely sure what to make of it.. and my doctor wont be in for another hour. Thoughts? The bumps are small and very slightly resemble chickenpox, but i've had chickenpox before. Also, I doubt it's the amoxicillin because I would have noticed something as soon as a day after starting.
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It looks like it is a delayed reaction to the amoxicillin I have been taking this past week... I've looked into the severity of the rashes.. mine does not seem so bad in comparison to others. But I should mention my face is becoming warm and slightly red as if I am blushing. I am also experiencing a minor headache and what feels like a fever. Is this type of reaction known to worsen significantly? I won't be able to see my doctor until tomorrow and I would appreciate some advice. I have been using benadryl cream and taking benadryl allergy pills.
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So can anyone shed some light on this? Anyone at all?
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It could be a side effect of a medicine.  My husband was taking Sulfamethoxazole to treat an infection & he had bumps on the same places.  He also had an upset stomach.
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