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Smoke allergy

My sibling with kids  refuses to go to my parents house because they smoke in it.
They never smoke in the house when we are over. My question is: Is the stale smoke smell in a house a concern or just an unpleasant odor.
Is there a way we can convince these relatives to come over. My one relative said that she lost her voice for 2 weeks after being in the house because of smoke allergies.
Please give me some suggestions.

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Sorry, I have to side with sibling.  For people with allergies and rhinitis smoke and the lingering stink can bring on debilitating illness.  If your relative becomes ill from the smoke she probably doesn't mean to be rude but can not risk her health or her childrens.  It is hard to care for your children when you have allergy attacks.  For  allergy and rhinitis sufferers just the smell alone can bring on illness.
Perhaps your parents should not look at it as someone trying to be rude, but as someone trying to take care of themself and be a little more understanding and respectful of your relatives allery illness.
By the way I am a previous smoker who terribly misses my smokes but can never go there again.
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Thanks for the reply sometimes you need an outsider to clear things up. I don't have allergies so I didn't understand.Your right I thought the comments were them just being rude.
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