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Some weird attacks for some unknown reasons

I feel very bad right now. I've been going to a number of doctors now but none of them have correctly diagnosed what could be the problem I'm facing. I was lucky because one of the doctors prescribed some "emergency" medication which I'm supposed to take when I think I'm dying.

All the blood tests I've undergone were normal. I had a chest x-ray taken and it was normal too. Here's my condition. I am suffering from some intense attacks - I don't even know what to call them - which occur of a sudden from no where. I've written down exactly what I was doing before and after the attack. Please take some time in going through it because you may just save my life.

In Home Country

Number of Attacks Had - Atleast 6
Foods Taken Prior to Attack - Noodles that was dry-fried, Fried Rice that was Fried , Attack also occurred a fried egg was smelled, Attack also occurred when smell of a few fried seeds was inhaled
Attack Started with - Slight pain in the chest and sometimes Intense Pain
Degree of Attack - Low but sometimes reached a position where I thought I was almost gonna die
Post Attack - Toilet (not so normal but solid) but most of the times it was Liquid Diarrhoea
Post Attack Pain - Low but most of the times very high
Steps Taken - Taken a Steroid, Anti hystemine, Vent (for breathlessness)
When was it sustained? Attack sustained after an hour of taking a steroid + ah + vent combination
Symptoms - Slight pain in Chest, Slight Pain in Stomach and upper back with a hint of breathlessness and sometimes out of control breathlessness
Probable reasons for attack - Fried Stuff
What was done? Avoided most of the fried stuff.
What happens under an intense attack?
Intense Chest Pain
Intense Stomach Pain
Intense Back Pain
Eyes Inflammation
Throat Blockage
Running Nose
Intense Sneezing (but when sneezed for a few times, the whole face swells)
Signs of Diarrhoea

September 10th - Arrival into a Foreign Country

Food Taken Prior to Attack - Pizza with Black Peppers
Attack Started with - Slight pain in the chest
Degree of Attack - Low
Post Attack - Toilet (not so normal but solid)
Post Attack Pain - Low
Steps Taken - Taken a Steroid
When was it sustained? Attack sustained after a steroid was taken.
Symptoms - Slight pain in Chest, Slight Pain in Stomach and upper back with a hint of breathlessness
Probable reasons for attack - Black Peppers
What was done? Black Peppers were avoided after that.
2 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
You are certainly having an allergic reaction. You could have a yeast or gluten allergic reaction. People can become allergic to things that they were not allergic to before... you could go to a biomeridian PhD and have them test you on allergies. It's cheaper then a traditional allergist and they can nail down the problem a lot faster!  ((I've been to both allergist and bio)) they both came up with the same answer - but, the bio doctor was $145. total and the allergist - unknown amounts of $$ billed to insurance!!!!!!  Good Luck!
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September 28th - Normal Day. Its a Friday

Food Taken Prior to Attack - Pizza with Cheese and Tomato
Attack Started with - Pain in the stomach
Degree of Attack - Medium
Post Attack - Toilet (not so normal - Semi Solid during the first time and Liquid during the second time),
Post Attack Pain - Intense
Steps Taken - Taken a Steroid, Anti hystemine, Vent (for breathlessness)
When was it sustained? Attack sustained after an hour of taking a steroid + ah + vent combination
Symptoms - Intense pain in Chest, Intense Pain in Stomach and upper back with a signs of breathlessness, Inflammation in Eyes, Running Nose, Slight Sneezing
Probable Reasons for attack - Ate a pizza again but it was a normal one with nothing in it except for cheese and tomatoes. Touched an old newspaper which had a slight smell of Ammonia.
What was done? Old papers & pizza were avoided

Thank you and please let me know why I am getting these attacks if you are aware of a possible reason.
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