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Stop the itching!

3 weeks ago I started having allergy type symptoms like skin contact dermatitis, I hadn't changed my detergent or diet. After a week, I started feeling something in my throat and it made it hard to swallow and would cause minor acid reflux. A couple of days later I had a head cold, mucus, cough and muscle pain(mostly on my right arm) As soon as the cold symptoms went away, the itching got worse. So now I get rashes or hives, the itching spreads throughout my body and most recently on the palms of my hands, neck, back, legs, feet. Of course the more I scratch the more it itches and the red bumps become more prominent but eventually they go away. Besides the itching, I also feel something in my throat, I don't have an appetite and I keep having to burp to release some pressure. symptoms definitely get worse at night and sometimes I cant sleep unless I take a Benadryl.

does anyone have any similar symptoms or any idea of what it could be?
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Hello Lauraleon20,

Welcome to the allergy forum. I see you joined Med help this month.
You seem to be experiencing some very unpleasant symptoms. Based on your comments, I don't have any idea of what you may be experiencing.
Have you been to see your family doctor yet about these symptoms ?
If you have not, I think you should.  There may be other people on this forum who might have an idea about what you are experiencing. I wish you well. Eve
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i have the exact symptoms its on my face pops up sometimes like hives but mostly red itchy bumps that ooz then crust over has spread was told it was forst i have a low immune system but my hair started falling out i was in hospital for 12 days for pancrititis which almost killed my dr didnt think i needed pain meds so let me lay there and scream i wanted to die for 12 days she said and i quote i have pain every day i dot take meds well dr i have chronic pancrt and it hurts so bad i cant explain i have taken antibiotics creams sun makes its worse but the ocean water helps for about a day and oatmeal wash helps for a minute now i am being told its scabies i just bought a bar of calming soap with zinc/pyrth i will let you  know its not cheap for a bar of soap got it fro dr cynthia
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