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Strange potential allergic reaction to IV Benadryl...is this normal/common?

I went to the ER last night for chest pains and to rule out a pulmonary embolism, they wanted to give me a CT with contrast dye. I had a pretty severe allergic reaction to the contrast dye the last time I had a CT, which was about 3.5 years ago (throat swelled up, got beat red, blood pressure dropped. They pulled me out and gave me some oxygen and epi and I felt better.) Since then, I have been told to avoid contrast dye except for in "life or death" situations. So, the ER doc this constituted life or death and proceeded with the CT. They prepped me with steroids for an hour through my PICC line (I had that put in three days ago to treat an infection in my shoulder). Then, they gave me a syringe of Benadryl right before the CT. Within seconds of getting the Benadryl through my PICC line (which she pushed very, very quickly), I started coughing. Then, I felt what I am guessing are the typical sensations associated with Benadryl (looniness,tiredness, dizziness, etc.). Those quickly were replaced with horrific coughing fits, tightness in my through, watery, dilated and blood-shot eyes, nausea, got bright red, and then scariest of all...I suddenly lost my ability to speak, at all. I felt like I could speak although I was definitely having trouble breathing, but I was unable to form words. I felt like I was trapped in my own body. I wanted to say to the nurses "help, help I can't talk and I feel so strange" but the words wouldn't come out. I felt almost paralyzed. And then lastly, I just felt this very peculiar feeling of dread and like I might die. It was so strange. It all lasted for just a minute or two before they wheeled me into the room and put me oxygen and got the epi-pen ready. They checked my vials...heart rate was 120 and beeping red on the screen. Pulse was at 105. Blood pressure was 102/75 I think. Oxygen was at 94%. I came in and it was at 98%. I typically alway shave 99% oxygen levels. I am 35 and an avid runner.

Is this something anyone has ever seen from Benadryl?? The nurses and doc were stumped. They said they never saw anything like that and are not sure what it was. Thoughts on this? I am especially concerned about the lose of speech thing. Could that have been a stroke? And, do you think this was an allergic reaction to Benadryl?
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