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Allergic reaction to doxycycline

My wife has had an allergic reaction to doxycycline. She took pills for about one week and then she noticed a few red spots on her body. She stoped taking the medicine but the spots continued to spread more and more for over a week now. Someplace they just grow into one big spot anymore and they start to be itchy. Doctors say to wait, another says to take steroids, which we are reluctant to take. What shall we do? Anybody seen or heard about similar cases?
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Has she been prescribed any antihistamine or antiallergic medications?

You should take OTC antiallergic medications and apply calamine lotion to help soothe the lesions and also consult an allergy specialist for her complaints.

Review with her doctor at after a few days if the lesions do not respond or worsen.

Let us know how she is doing and also if you ahve any doubts.

Hope this helps.

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No, she wasn't prescribed any antihistamine or antiallergic medic., except for Benadril, which she took twice and it did not seem to do anything except to make her reall terribly drowsy.
We were thinking about applying a Benadril lotion topically...Any comments?
Where do we get OTC antiallergic? Is it a prescription drug?
We shall try getting calamine lotion.
Thank you very much for your post. We were really at a loss as to what to do, and it seems liked three different doctors did not have to say much either except to recommend us to wait and see.
Thank you again.
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Just remembered, one doctor did prescribe her a steroid. Don't know much what is it. Only heard from others that it can weaken her immune system a lot.
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Sorry, about question on OTC. See, we just immigrated to America two years ago, and I didn't know that OTC is a Over-the-Counter drug. Internet helps, though.
Thank you.
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So how is your wife doing now? I meant over the counter antihistamine medications like cetrizine or loratadine? Have you been able to find calamine lotion ?

Let us know if you have any more doubts and also keep us updated on your wife's health.

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I also took Doxycycline for Lyme and after one week I got red spots, commimg and going... I just stoped today and they are not gone. I called 3 doctors and they do not know what should I do... I don't what to do.... I have to take them for my Lyme desease and same time they do not know it this is allergic reaction to  Doxycycline.
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I also took Doxycycline for Lyme and after one week I got red spots, commimg and going... I just stoped today and they are not gone. I called 3 doctors and they do not know what should I do... I don't what to do.... I have to take them for my Lyme desease and same time they do not know it this is allergic reaction to  Doxycycline.
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Hi, don't know if your still giving answers here - if so, I need one.  I am highly allergic to all Penicillin's - 10 years ago I went into Anaphylactic Shock and have not taken an Antibiotic since.

3 months ago I was due for a full mouth x-ray and my dentist found periodontal disease - in the upper right quadrant he found one tooth has a major infection which he thinks may have been there well over a year.

I need a gum scaling and cleaning and that tooth will be removed - now the problem - it took all this time to get an appointment with a periodontist (consultation and then appt for cleaning which is today) the infection has been there all this time and he prefers no antibiotics because it interferes with the novocane - said once the cleaning is done and tooth is removed the infection will be gone.  I have been feeling flu like symptoms on and off for well over a year which everything else has been ruled out with tests, blood work, etc. so I think now,  it is the gum infection.  Last Friday I found an abscess and some swelling on the lower right side - the dentist prescribed DOXYCYCLINE for the infection - I was hesitant to take it because of my allergic reaction 10 years ago but my face and ear were starting to ache and I had pain in the base of my head and neck however, (the abscess disappeared the next day without the antibiotic from rinsing with salt water) but I was fearful that the infection could be spreading - so I took it against my better judgement.

I took the TWO 100 mg yesterday at 3:30 - it seemed to help the head pain and ache in my face but, when I woke up this morning my left eye was super itchy for about 15 minutes - not swollen just red - and my ear felt a tad itchy - gone now 2 hrs later.

This was the same way my last allergic reaction started 10 years ago,  am I just being paranoid or is this going to get worse if I take the second days dose today which would be one a day for 9 more days?  I just can not go through the Anaphylactic again - please tell me if you think this is a reaction to the Doxy?  

Should I take a Benadryl?   OR Stop the Doxy and take Benadryl anyway to be on the safe side?   Thank you so much, Gail
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have had doxycyline rash for 6 weeks now since taking the drug, Have been to doc 2 times and dermatologist 1,  treatment has consisted of predisone,  allergy pills , and cortisone cream  :::: not any improvement what so ever,   I am miserable,    good greif can someone help me???
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Did anything ever work for you? I know this thread is old but I hope somebody will have some answers for me.
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leeturner:  I think the same thing happened to me. I took doxycycline for a week for a sinus infection. Noticed my arms began to feel dry and itchy.   Then plenty of little red bumps broke out on my arms.  My arms itched like mad. Tried OTC Cortisone10, but it did not help. Finally I went to HMO clinic. Doctor prescribed a very mild lotion to be applied every 12 hours.  Two days later I still had no relief, the rash had spread all over body.  It had been awakening me at night.  I itched so badly that the scratching caused me to bleed and to bruise.

I went back to clinic. Asked for a shot but ignored. Doctor prescribed 5 mg prednisone 1x per day and 10 mg hydroxy 4x per day. Still had no relief two days later. Asked for a referral to a dermatologist at this point but was ignored. Asked for another Rx but was ignored.
It has now been 10 days since I first saw doctor. Still covered in itchy rash. Still waking up in the middle of the night itching.  Will have to go back to the clinic AGAIN. I am p*ssed off at AMERIGROUP HMO and their doctors. They leave you to suffer. I have no idea how much longer this will last.
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Did anything ever work for you? I know this thread is old but I hope somebody will have some answers for me.
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Did anything ever work for you? I know this thread is old but I hope somebody will have some answers for me.
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I had a severe allergic reaction to doxycycline. I end up in hospital for 2 weeks. It started as itchy rash and quickly spread agross,my body swell and skin blistered and all my skin peeled in the end. Took me months to recover. In hospital they didnt understand what was going on. The condition was called TEN (Toxic epidermal necrolysis). I was blessed to come out of it alive. Hope your wife is well!
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I also have allergies to doxycycline as well as the other meds in the "cycline" family and after a few days of taking the dose and prescribed I noticed my body being covered in a red bumpy and very itchy rash. At the time I didn't know it was my medication and spent the next few days miserable and on benadryl while trying to figure out what had done this to me. Well after almost a week of of being in a sleepy benadryl haze and itching uncontrollably, I realized it was the doxycycline I had been prescribed and immediately discontinued use and contacted my physician to make a follow up appointment. He confirmed my suspicion of the doxycycline and also informed me that My allergies are not limited to just doxycycline but also any medication in the "cycline" family. My body started noticing improvements about 24 hours after my last dose; I still had a really bad hive like rash but I wasn't nearly as itchy. Within the next 2-3 days the bumpy hive like rash had gone away and left me with your typical red rash, by this point I felt that any itchiness is now caused by my dry skin around the parts of my body with a rash and not caused by the medication. After around 4-6 days my body had almost no sign of this allergy or horrible bumpy rash. I was very thankful this was over and couldn't have been more excited to throw the prescribed meds in the trash. Hopefully my experience with this allergy will help, or at least have something to compare your experience to.
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