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Stuffy and runny nose

I've had a stuffy and runny nose since January of this year. It changes from stuffy to runny to back again very frequently and randomly. It keeps me up at night and frustrated during the day. I'm 16 and have never been tested for allergies as this is the first time these symptoms have bothered me. I've also never had the flu. I've been under a lot of stress this year due to switching to three different schools and relationship/emotional problems. My home environment is very clean and well maintained. Is my stuffy/runny nose caused by allergies? Do I have a sinus infection? What medications or home remedies would work well for either diagnosis?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

In an entity called allergic rhinitis, the symptoms are similar to a common cold, but they are usually more persistent and show seasonal variation. The individual responds to an allergen, which can be in many forms like dust and household mites. It appears that you are suffering from such a phenomenon.

You can tackle this problem in the following ways: Prevention and Therapy during attacks.

For prevention: Try to maintain an allergen-free environment. Substitute all synthetic and cool materials with cotton ones. Remove all dust-collecting household articles like carpets, bedspreads etc. Alternatively an allergy specialist may try to identify the offending allergen and try to desensitize you.

Using low dose steroidal nasal sprays, are very effective. The steroid in the spray is very low and acts only locally. Two puffs in each nostril two times a days for about a month. The effect starts only after 2weeks of therapy.

Once an attack has occurred, the antihistamines like chlopheneramine, lovatidine are effective. Nasal decongestant drops too relieve congestion.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank you so much for your advice. I looked for a low dose nasal spray and I could not find one of quality so I bought children's antihistamine tablets and a vapoinhaler. The tablets have helped enough so I can sleep but not enough to get rid of symptoms. I use the vapoinhaler when I feel the congestion is really bad. My family and I cleaned and dusted the entire house yesterday so hopefully my symptoms will clear up a little more from that. I am going to call a local allergist today and see if I can be tested. Again, thank you for your help.
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