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Sudden allergic reactions in 3 yr old

my 3 year old has suddenly been showing signs of allergic reactions from head to toe with hives that look huge and painful.  She does not show any difficulty with breathing or swallowing but it seems worse each time.  In the last 4 days she has had 4 outbreaks and it seems to be plastic she is holding when this happens?  If I take the item away she will be fine within 30 minutes...?? I will be seeing her Dr. as soon as available but Plastic allergy any ideas?
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There could be many chemical allergy possibilities.  A chemical used in manufacturing the toy or a product you have used to clean the toy that has left some residue.  It could also be coinsidental.  Many people have delayed alelrgic reactions.  If this is the case, finding the allergen will be much harder.  

Allergies develop or can worsen at any time.  I would recommend that you put the toys she has reacted to up for a while at least until you see the dr.  You may need to keep an Epi-pen handy just in case.

Praying that your dr is able to provide answers and help.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, her symptoms are suggestive of Contact dermatitis. Usually allergens are small molecules which can penetrate the layers of the skin and cause the allergic manifestations. Plastic allergy can be possibility but uncommon.

Other common allergens are Jewelry and clothing snaps containing nickel, soaps, cosmetics, moisturizers etc.

Topical lotions such as calamine decreases pain and pruritus. Systemic antihistamines (antipruritics) such as hydroxyzine or cetirizine against prescription may be helpful. Even addition of corticosteroids has possible benefits. The actual management would be avoidance of the primary allergen.

I suggest you to consult allergic specialist for her further evaluation and treatment. Take care and regards.
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