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Random swellings which can come up all over my body at different times. They go as quick as they come. Im a 48 year old male with no other health issues apart from a high blood pressure. I am on no medication. Have been suffering with these swellings for a year now. Any advice ?
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I am relieved I finally accessed this website and forum.  After reading these numerous comments and stories I realize I am not alone and losing my mind.  Friends and doctors are mystified and can't understand my issues and my obvious pain and discomfort.  I would like to share my background, history and my path to figuring out this annoying condition. I am healthy, 48 year old, non smoker male.  I have played sports my entire life and currently train for sprint triathlons throughout the year.  My random swelling issues starting happening in stressed body parts three years ago from once a month to the point where I will get selling from walking down the street or from the waist band on my boxers as I slept. My blood work came back fine and allergist discovered allergy to cat dander and dust mites (allergens that I knew I had before getting tested because of the sneezing and running nose and watery eyes I got my entire life from contact).  I had blood drawn during a recent swelling episode on Wednesday and will  discuss results with doctor on the upcoming Wednesday visit.   The first time I started experiencing the swelling was during the Spring/summer months during a period of extreme exercise and alcohol consumption.  My right wrist swelled after working on my golf swing for hours on the range, a week later my right foreman swelled after a day or two of intense tennis, the soles of my feet started swelling after logging runs on hot days, my buttocks and anus swelled from long rides on my bike.   I realized I had a real problem after the side of my mouth and left cheek  swelled after doing laps in the pool.  I attributed the swelling from dehydration and the resulting swelling to the body pooling water where the my body was stressed.  A doctor called it exercised  induced edema (no kidding!!!) and suggested taking Zrytec daily.  I drank water continiously and was worried that the alcohol (wine and beer) consumption was contributing to the issue.  Staying hydrated  seemed to help.  But unfortunately the attacks starting becoming more irregular and in more random spots.   Walking to the office in the city my feet would swell, sitting on the train caused my testicules to swell, sleeping on my side caused my hip to swell, my lip swelled from kissing (Enough already!!!!)  As of New Year I gave up all alcohol, but a week later I still had a mild case of swelling,  I am still avoiding alcohol but have given up all bread, wheat, yeast products, it's been two days (no episodes yet).  Next it will be the coffee.           Looking back,  I believe my first episodes of swelling starting occurring a few months after I had a nasty parasite from swimming in a fetid lake during a triathlon in Poughkeepsie.  I had severe case of diarrehea for three weeks and lost over ten pounds.  My doctor will be reviewing my blood work to see if my immune system has been weakened and it is causing the selling as my body battles allergens.  I have noticed after bouts of alcohol consumption within the next few days swelling occurred.  Perhaps the alcohol weakened my immune system further and allowed the  swelling to occur.  But, outside the swelling I have not had any any illnesses(flu or major colds) in years.   I apologize for the long comment of my history but the reading of other person's comments and issues have reassured me that I not alone in this suffering. This condition is starting  to really interfere with my life of enjoying the outdoors and training.  I WILL FIND OUT THE SOURCE OF MY PROBLEM AND PROMISE TO SHARE.                                                                                    
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It's been 6 years now...   not all of that time has been filled with random swellings, but recently it's been happening more and more.   It's always random spots..  feet, hands, hips, arms, my poor balls, and on the face.   Just yesterday my eyelid started to swell up for the first time ever, and today i can barely see out of it.   My symptoms usually last about 2-3 days.   benadryl never helps..   seems like nothing does.  i just have to let it run it's course.   The swollen areas are usually red, warm to the touch, and itchy if i touch or ru them.   sometimes if i rub the area, it becomes so painful i just cant stand it.   On the bottoms of the feet are the worst, because i cant even walk on them due to the pain.    I've gone to the ER, had tons of blood work for food allergens, toxic metals(as i am a welder.   My mother seems to think it's a chemical sensitivity thing, due to the circumstances when it first started.  I'm wondering if any one else with these symptoms works or handles volatile chemicals?   paint/lacquer thinners?   anything like that?       I've been to too many doctors and all of them are stumped.       Now, a little insight from my mind...     i have animals running around the house..   I find that when i walk around barefoot, especially down the basement stairs near the cats litter box, my feet will swell up more frequently.   So im thinking maybe it has something to do with animal dander/dust/cat litter.      When my poor ball sack swelled up, i was scratching at it a little bit before hand(just as guys do, for no other reason), and then later, noticed a small swollen area.. gradually spreading.  So maybe still animal dander/dust combined with irritating the area?     I really have no idea..   Neither do Dr's.    I saw a post about corn being the reason, but ive always eaten corn.. everything has corn in it..   i'd be a balloon by now.    Saw another about hypothyroidism... and it seems like i have a few of the symptoms.    gonna check that out next.      At the very least, it's nice to know others are going through what i am.      Please feel free to share your stories and any ideas you may have of what is doing this to us!!!!!
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Wow 11 years, I have had this for 6 years and it seem to be getting worse.
Biggest problem is it takes 2 1/2 days for a symptom to appear and now after I eat just a little bit of something with corn in it. Used to be able to tolerate a small amount, but not now. IF I take an Allegra pill, between meals (no food 2 hours) with water (NO juice cause that disables Allegra) the swelling will subside in 2 - 4 hours. Taking it every day does NOT prevent the swelling. It used to take 30 mintes to subside, I guess I'm becoming immune to Allegra. Doctors don't have a clue cause they are not trained in nutrition. Blood tests (3 times) all good. Have you seen all the stuff with High fructose corn syrup in it? Even ketsup has it. Technically is' not a allergy, it's a food intolerance because it requires more than 12 hours for the symptom to appear.
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Hi guys I am 51 and hve been going through this for many years. I too am in great health, and have been on high blood meds before I and allergic to pennicilin but I am not on any meds. This has been happinig since about 2000 but more recently it has been coming every week keeping me from work. Right now I'm typing with one eye which started with little lumps in my head (which is new) HELP!!
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I too have been experiencing swelling for no apparent reason.  Sometimes it will start as a mild itch or tingle and then within a short time the swelling starts.Both bottoms of feet and one hand are swollen today.  I haven't eaten anything all day.  The allergist gave me a list of foods and molds that I am allergic to but I still have the swelling.  It is very embarrassing when it is on my face.  The swelling usually last for about 24 hours before the pain go away. Soaking in an epson salt bath relieves the pain temporarily but not the swelling.  I feel your pain. I had blood work done to see if my autoimmune system is ok. It is.  I just can't believe that allergies are the problem.  The swelling is so ramdon and in different locations.
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I finally figured out the cause of my random swelling, small places on a, foot, hand, lip, arm, throat, tongue.
All caused by CORN. Anything with corn, corn syrup, canola oil, corn breading (on fish or chicken) Problem is, it takes 24 to 72 hours from eating corn to swelling symptom, (usually 48-56 hours). Try reading the ingredients and eat a corn free diet, most everything has corn in it. It all started 6 years ago after a 2 week visit in China. Maybe China has nothing to do with it. I am 56 great health, no meds.
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