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Swollen Face, Rash all over body

Hi everyone. I'm on here to see if I can get any feedback about my sisters sudden problem.

She is 15 years old, and she has developed a rash all over her body, I believe it started on her hands/fingers. At first it was reddish bumps that had a somewhat white head on them, but its been 2 days and its gotten worse. Her face has swollen so badly, and the rash has gotten worse and spread more.  She said she doesn't feel sick or have a fever, but last night she said her chest hurt a bit.I don't think its made its way down to her legs yet. It was itching her horribly.  Could this be a contact allergy?? Could this be deadly??
*also, I don't know if this is linked to it, but when I cut her hair she had 3 bald spots, not huge but fairly noticeable*

Please help!!!
9 Responses
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I would make sure that she get in to see her regular Dr. for starters.  The rash (and the bald spots) can be caused by any number of things but definitely needs to be checked out - and probably with lab work. I had something similar several years ago (and just once) that started a whole slew of testing and eliminating but sometimes it is just a symptom to get us to go to the Dr. (?)  Sometimes the good Lord has to give us a nudge. -:) if we aren't "listening" to our bodies and most 15 yr olds don't. -:).

Good luck -

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OMG!!!   They same thing just happened to my son!!!  He is, also, 15 years old.   Face swelled overnight and a rash that has developed ALL OVER his body; which itched terriblely!!!!  He went to the doctor and after hours of testing, he was sent home with antibiotics and steroids.  Still no diagnosis.  Now, It's day 4. The swelling in his face has went down and the rash has almost dried up; which has lefted his face and body with scabs.  He's going for allergy skin testing.  But I think it might be too late to find out what was the exact cause of the sudden outbreak.  If anyone knows, please respond!


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my daugher came up in a rash today its all over her body and her right eye is swollen and red she is only 3 years old do you know what the course is?
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This could be due to some insect bite or allergic reaction to something she has had or some substance she has come in contact with.

You could try to find out the cause and give some benadryl syrup if the rash is severe and wash the areas frequently with fresh water, apply calamine lotion at the sites of the rash.

You should consult a pediatrician at the earliest and if the lesions spread then you need to take her to the ER immediately.

Let us know about how she is doing and about what your doctor advises.

Post us about any doubts that you have.

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Hi im 20 yrs old and i have the same symtomps first i got it on my lips then start spreading on my face and body.I dont know what else to do its so itchy and its irrotating.and this is my second day with this problem i dont even know if its allergies or a some kind of desease..i tried putting on a medicine first i put a cream its called CA-REZZ its antimicrobal skin care but it wont work.after that i put this oinment called Hydrocortisone 1% it says Relieves Itching and Redness Fast.But still spreading around my body and face and its getting worse.Can someone tell me what to do....?

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My son has had what I thought was dry skin, then turned into a circle on his leg. Of course I thought ring worm, but the treatment wasn't working. The dr. was baffled and put him on an antibiotic, 3days later a blistery rash has spread all over his body and I thought it was an allergy to the meds. So again I take him to the dr and this time he said it was scabies. I don't believe it is because it is not in a line and it came up all over at one time. Please help if you know anything I'm at my end and don't trust the dr.
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  It sounds like Pityriosus  Rosea.(spelling ? )   A scary  name but not a scary condition. It often affects teenagers and usually goes away after a couple weeks. No bad side affects.
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This could be a culmination of a variety of things. A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates and caffeine coupled with high stress levels could lead to a situation where hives breakout in some locations on the body or even spread quickly all over the body. Reduce stress immediately, remove sugar, carbohydrates, acidic foods and caffeine from the diet and increase water intake. Use a topical cream like refrigerated aloe Vera I've the affected area to help reduce the itching.
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I am 56 years old and as of June 1st without health insurance. My face is swollen and I have what I think are hive on my face, chest arms and spreading to my whole body. My face is very itchy and my body is achy. I woke up this way Saturday (yesterday). Does anyone know what this might be and have a remedy for it. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
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