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Swollen itchy eyes and lip rash/sores

For the past 10 years I have had really sensitive lips and have only been able to use one type of lip balm. As anything else - lip sticks of glosses give me little sores on my lips and cause them to puff up and get little scabs and peel contantly - i also get dry patches under my eyes and eye lids. When I visited a doctor they told me I may have an allergy to nail polish and an ingrediant in lip glosses/balms its also happens when I were nail polish. After removing it it usually clears up within a week.

Recently I havent even be able to use my usual lip balm as my lips react to that as well and my eyes are puffing up and getting extremly itchy and stinging. I was heading overseas for 3 weeks and the doctor have me some tablets to take to clear up my lips as she said they looked like they had a staff infection. Whilst I was OS all my symptoms cleared up completely and within 2 days of returing home everything started up again!

A week after I had been back,I woke up in the monring and my eyes were completely closed over and extremly swollen. I visited a doctor and they said I might have hives or some type of allergy. I was put on antihistmines and a course of panafcortelone, which helped with the eye swelling and the lips alittle. but now i have reduced the amount of panafcortelone I take daily as I am at the end of my course, as have been told it isnt something I can take long term and my eyes are becoming more irrated and puffy and my lips sore are getting worse.
I havent changed any make up lately or products like toothpaste, washing powder.

Does anyone have any sugguestions what it might be, as its dirvinbg me crazy!!!!
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I've found these posts very helpful just in knowing there're others with the same problem.  About a month ago I suddenly developed red, itchy, swollen eyes.  My lips are also very scaly and dry.  Being in the northeast winter, I first thought it was severe dry skin but now realize that's not the case.  My eyes are so dry and tight feeling, it seems my vision is starting to be affected.  Every product except vasoline burns and stings. There are some good tips and advice in all of your comments.  I'll be looking into the food-based (yeast infection) solutions as well as some of the topical solutions.  Please keep posting anything that helps, this condition is truly a misery.
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I have the same problems. Until 8 years ago, I was perfectly fine. Then I moved to a bigger city for University and the same year I got the first allergy symptoms. It started with pollen allergy, especially allergy to grasses. Then allergy to sour fruits (pineapple, kiwi, oranges). My doctor perscribed antihistamines, however, after a few years they stopped working. A couple of years ago, I started getting rash on my lips whenever using lip gloss.

I definitely think it's related to the environment because every time I go visite my parents (who live outside the city) for a longer period, all symptoms dissapear. The last couple of years I have tried to avoid using make-up, shampoos, lip balms and detergents containing parabens and perfumes and I use as few  face/body-creams and make-up products as possible. It has helped a lot with the pollen allergy and I haven't used antihistamines for several years now. I also think food additives bear a major responsibility in allergies, and I try not to buy foods containing more than 2 E numbers....

However, a month ago my eyelids started itching and it hasn't stopped yet. This I don't know how to explain and I tell myself it's related to stress as it started the same time as I went into a very stressfull period. So hopefully it will go away soon :)

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I had the same rashes (dry, flaky, bumpy, itchy skin) on my eyelids and lips for a year or so with no relief.  My Dr finally helped me diagnose it as an ALLERGY TO PETROLEUM, including anything with petroleum products.  I switched to all organic makeups, lotions, soaps, toothpaste, etc. for anything that touched my face, being careful to avoid anything with a petroleum base or petrol derivatices.  In addition, I eliminated POLYESTER CLOTHING from my wardrobe, as it also caused itchy skin wherever it touched me, although it never caused rashes.  The rashes disappeared and did not reoccur until just recently, and I have identified the new problem as certain types of salad dressing. I haven't figured out yet if it is an allergy to the oil/vinegar or whatnot (these are organic salad dressings without any additives, so I know it's not that).  I eat a large salad every day so I have been miserable with the rashes on my lips.  I'll post again when I figure it out!
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I have a similar set of symptoms: eye swelling, lip swelling, and throat and tongue swelling.  It has been going on for 3 months now and has progressively gotten worse.  I took asprin the other day and had an immediate reaction where eyes, lip, throat all swelled up terribly.  It took days to go away.

My allergist said that I may have an allergy to the asprin, ibuprofin, and naproxin family of drugs.  I didn't have this allergy prior to 3 months ago.  I used to take all these drugs regularly.   Today I have itchy hands and swollen throat.  I carry an epi-pen and prednizone to slow the swelling.  I also usually take benedryl at nights if I'm having issues around bed time.  I had a food allergy panel done and I don't have food allergies.  My husband suggested that this may not be an allergy but an immunity problem.  I'm stratching my head trying to figure out what is going on.  

Please keep the blog posts coming.
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I have had really swollen eyes for almost a year, i thought i might be allergic to cats(i have 6), It really ***** since i have always been told what beautiful eyes i have, i also noticed that my Rosecea has gotten worse, does anyone else have Rosecea??(pronounce ro-z-shea )It's a skin disease causing red pathy skin and it's a sort of adult acne without the big bumbs, i had laser surgery done on my eye a month ago and they couln't figure it out either, I have fibromyalgia and a lot of other  pain problems and take a lot of medications, but ibuprofen, i just started about the same time this started but i really need it for my arthrituis..anyway everybody look up Rosecea on webmd  and see if it could be part of the problem, i'm still wearing sunglasses and hoping it will go away...
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Hey you all this is my first post on this site... I too still have some of the same problems like the peeling lips, swollen lips for about 2 yrs. After doing some strenuous research on the Internet, it seems to me that everyone is experiencing lip eczema. So here's what I found. "Eczema is a Greek word and means " to boil over". It is where skin is inflamed, red, and sore. The skin cracks easily. The use of most commercial lip salves made with Petroleum, liquid Paraffin etc will go a long way to making the lips drier.

Most of the foods we eat, the chemicals and even too much sunlight can have an impact on our body especially if we are not hydrated enough. Basically, what I'm saying is all these things weaken our immune system and that is what causes our lips to be like this.
The skin is the first place to show when we have a toxic overload and it can only do good to make sure the bowels are clean and working efficiently to help clear the Eczema up ASAP. If you still don't understand keep on reading!

Your body is equipped to handle some amount of detoxification on its own but problems occur when there is an overload of toxins due to increased acidity. Your organs like your liver, kidney and colon start to slow down. This is when toxins start to show up on your skin, manifesting into a condition called Eczema.

So, in order for your skin (outward appearance) to heal, you must give your body a chance to remove the excess waste and to repair itself. For an eczema condition, you would need to detoxify your body, correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies and restore healthy digestion.

Thank you for reading this, I hope that I can help myself and as many people suffering from this annoying condition.

The site below is a great site for lip eczema..Check it out
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