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Buffalo Gnat Bites

I went camping back in May and received bites on my ear and my toe.  I went to my general physician and he said that it was bites from buffalo gnats.  The bites on my ear swelled and blistered.  They eventually burst and have since healed.  The bite on my toe is still red, swollen and itches.  It has been two months.  My doctor put me on steroids to help with the bites.  Could the bite on my toe be something else like a spider bite?  The area is red and looks like there is a small bite mark or stinger looking mark in the middle.
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i would think
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will getting your balls licked take the swelling down?
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Apparently PURE vanilla mixed with water in a spray bottle applied about once an hour will repel buffalo gnats.  Or wear Absorbine Jr. Ultra Shield Green.  Stay away from water until dusk.  They are sun loving bugs.
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Well my son has been bitten several times they say by buffalo gnats and i just dont know how to keep them away from him. Ive used bug spray with deet and stuff and im sorry to me a 2 year old should be able to go outside and play without having to worry about being bit constantly. And the Dr at the ER the other day told me that they only live near water. Do you know if  this is true?
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563773 tn?1374246539

To reduce the itch caused by gnat bite apply some cold compresses and then apply calamine lotion. It helps in soothing the skin.

You can take some antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin. Although the bite may be itchy, avoid scratching it because you may damage the skin, and allow bacteria to get in, leading to infection. Continue using the steroids that your doctor has prescribed.

It can be a case of tick bite also; going by the stinger looking mark in the centre which can be due to the mouthparts of the tick been broken off and remaining in your skin. Do not scratch the bite because this will cause further swelling and increase the chance of infection. Most tick bites will heal within three weeks. But do consult your dermatologist about this possibility as a course of antibiotics has to be provided in this case to ward off Lyme’s disease.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.

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