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Turkey bone lodged in throat area

i was eating some turkey meat from leftover baked turkey and as i was chewing i could feel something like a sliver in my mouth but i rechewed and couldn't find so i went ahead and swallowed. well, immediately after that i felt something get stuck on the left side of my throat. it was poking at me and felt as if it was stuck there. i tried eating bread, drinking syrup and even tried to vomit it out. nothing worked so after a few hours i decided to go to er. they did an x-ray and found nothing so they sent me home. that was 2 days ago and now it is throbbing and i feel something poking at me. i feel like it is lodged somewhere in the area of my tonsil. i went to ent specialist and he looked down there and said he saw nothing and that maybe it was the scratch that i was feeling. well it's getting worse. i can feel it in there. my question is if it's just hard cartlidge and it's not in my throat anymore but slid in somewhere else, will my body (tonsils or nasal juices) break it down? i don't know what else i can do. i know it's there. please anyone hear of anything like this before or can you advise me?
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I had the same thing happen...kinda sorda, I remember eating something, I think it was a boiled chicken neck..that's the bad thing, I can't really think back that far because at the time I just swallowed it. Here is how it went: I was leaning over the sink eating a chicken neck from giblet gravy stuff, you know, heart, liver,neck,gizzard. Well when I went to sawllow I felt something hard but it was half way down my throat...so I thought for a second then went ahead and swllowed. Thought nothing more about.  About a week later I had a regular doctor appointment to get results of routine blood work that I had done before the bone incident. Found out I had enlarged thyroid. Doctor gave me a prescription for that. About a week after I started taking the medication, I was talking to some one and had a sharp, quick stabbing feeling in my throat on the left side behind my tonsil area. Then I started coughing. It happened again, and has happened several times after that and I always start coughing. I remember the bone incident...then thought it may be from the thyroid medication. I have an appointment today at 2:15 with my doctor. I am really worried. I smoked for 40 years and had bladder cancer in 2000. It has not come back in seven years. Just had my regular bladder inspection and everything was fine. I worry about cancer in my throat now. I have had sinus trouble for about 20 years and use nasa spray  on a regular basis. I also have a constant pain in the back left side of my neck. I sit at my computer working all day and use reading glasses and have to hold my head a certain way. I also have pain in both hands around my thumb area and tend to drop stuff all of the time...my thumbs just let go. I am 61, and other than mostly being worn out, which don't bother me, this throat thing has me really worried. I guess I will find out today. Is there a pocket where things can get lodged and be hard to cough up.
Worried in Florida
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I'm very happy that they found it.  Have a great life and stay healty.
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well i went back to ent specialist for second time and this time he went in through my nose with scope light and found sliver of turkey bone and pulled it out through my nose. thank god. it was hurting me so bad i didn't even want to get out of bed. he put me on antibiotic and gave me nose spray for inflammation. sheesh, what an experience. i had that darn thing in there for 4 days and it was rough. it was lodged near my tonsil and worked it's way up to my sinus area. i am just so glad it's out. good thing it didn't decide to root and grow, i woulda had one humungous turkey growing out my nose......lol
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HOLY COW!!!!!!!!

How wierd is that? good thing your uncle was paying attention eh? i cant believe it rooted and started growing, Man, talk about a story to tell your grandchildren LOL!!
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When I was around 10 years I swallowed a peanut shell and I felt it was stuck in my throat.  My parents took me to the doctor but they could not find anything.  About two weeks later, I was visiting a cousin and my Uncle noticed that I wasn't breathing correctly (I was sleeping).  He call an ambulance and rushed me to the hospital.  They did an xray and found the shell.  It lodged in the moist throat area, rooted, and was growing.  They removed it by suction tube - I was out, so completely painless. The hospital kept it for study - never experienced that before. If you did not get an xray - you may want to go back to the er.
God bless.
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