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Underarm Rash

Hi, in 2005 I switched from roll on deodorant to spray on deodorant and I got a rash in my armpit that itches so bad I HAVE to scratch it and it gets all red and stinky and I can litterly pull my underarm hair out by the clump with just a little tug and the only thing that with make it go away is spraying on some tinactin. As long as I use the tinactin as deodorant I am fine, but every once in a while I will try some spray and roll on deodorant and after about two days the rash will be back so I have to switch back to tinactin. Does anyone know what could be causing this rash? I want to go back to deodorant so bad, the tinactin does not keep me dry at all. Thanks
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You are allergic to deodorant.
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I had something similar.  Washing twice a day and alternating between a first aid antibiotic cream and anti-fungal.  But then it would just return.  The itching was a problem too. It was red with a few bumps.  

My doctor gave me Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1%.  Washing the areas twice a day and applying a very thin layer of this cream returned my skin back to normal within a month.  Must use a very thin layer of this cream since it will thin the skin a bit.

I got the rash in the first place using an old unknown stick deodorant.
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I am the same way. The itching is unbearable! & my under arms have becoming wrinkly dark & a red rash around it. I have already gone to a dermatologist & he prescriped me a lotion type medication. Its suppose to be applied every other day but it hasn't been helping considering that the itching is constant. I also got prescribed cortisone from another doctor & that seemed to help a lot of people. As for me it helped a little but it relieves it while its applied & I can't be applying it all day according to the indications I received. But I am in major need for something that will not only relieve it but make it stop for good! Please help, thank you!
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