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Unkown hives on hands only

I get what i call hives on my hands and my physican cannot identify what exactly it is or how they were developed.
I have had them for the last 5 years and mostly in the summer time when it's real hot outside.  The first time i broke out was when my daughter and my best friend were life flighted due to two different accidents with in two days of each other.  On top of that i was planning my wedding.  The first symptom is a severe itching feeling.  Sometimes there is a very small white bump and sometimes nothing visual at all.  I scratch one time and that's all it takes!  From then on I have a huge welt that is red,burns, itches and is so painful that at times i want to cut my hand off.  Sometimes the skin will just peel off like it's dead and then i have exposed flesh that is like a blister that has popped.  Then the it welts up like i just explained.  I wake up from pain from scratching in my sleep.  my hands hurt so bad right now i want to cut them off.  can anyone help identify what i have???
I do know that my autoimmune test came back high if that helps...
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I know your post in from 2008 but I've been getting hives all over my fingers out of the blue lately. It seems to come a few hours after I eat. I have been told I have Celiac Sprue (gluten allergy) from Dr and another say no I do not..ugh! I have been eating gluten free and still get them. Now another Dr says I'm Lactose intolerant, which that I know for sure. I eat GF/LF and I still get hives. I'm to the point where I out of my mind!!! I've been to 3 different Drs with no help!!!! Does anyone out there have any suggestions???
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thank you so much for all the response.  I know that i probably do need to follow up on my autoimmune tests.  i have an appointment in a couple of days.  There is a family history of hives in my family, but no one has reported this particular kind that i get.  I haven't changed soaps or foods or anything yet i only get these in the summer time.  Any heat wether it be the sun or water makes the symptoms intense.  so intense that i at sometimes feel like cutting my hands off.  I cannot sleep well or even function because of the intense itch and pain is so distracting.  I have been wearing rubber gloves to do any dishes or house cleaning just to eliminate contact with anything.  This at least doesn't make it worse.  I wash my hands and take a shower in cold water (which *****) just so it doesn't hurt and itch so bad.  I cannot wear my any rings because my hands are so swollen.  I have tried every antihistamine medications and nothing works.  i recently got the kenalog shot and it cleared up my seasonal allergies awesome, but did nothing for my hands.  I did try the cotton gloves idea.  i put some tea tree lotion that my sister makes on my hands and then wore the light cotton gloves.  it did give some relief, but then after a while it made it worse.  I do have a feeling that stress does not help this at all and that it did stem from my daughters accident.  

Note:  In the winter time my fingers will turn white and tingle from no blood flow for about 20 minutes at a time...  this is from weather or just cold tap water...

Thanks again for all the response and i will definitely keep everyone posted after my appointment thursday.
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Do you have a family history of allergies or hives? Hives has higher incidence in families who have these. It may be acute or chronic. Acute hives often are allergic reactions to things that you eat or touch such as artificial flavorings or preservatives in our food or as mentioned earlier, detergents or soaps.. Occasionally, hives are even caused by nerves or stressful situations. This could have triggered your case of hives 5 years ago when your daughter and best friend had their accidents on top of your wedding preparations.

Other major causes: Viruses and certain diseases, such as lupus( an autoimmune disease); medications, such as antibiotics and aspirin; sunlight; heat; cold; pressure; exercise and sweating.  You can take the drowsy formula of antihistamine medications so you can sleep through the night and take care of your  hives as well. Use mild, unscented detergents and soap, and avoid drinks and foods with lots of additives. washing your hands in cold water can also help in preventing hives outbreak.
It would be good to have a follow-up on your autoimmune test. Take care and keep us posted.
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I'm not a doc but might offer questions to help identify.

A. Will it happen if you wear a light cotton glove all day?
B. Will it stop itching with a cream like benedryl cream?

If A. is NO then you might try removing your glove for 1 hour each day a different hour each day and see if it happens. At least then you only have to think back for that 1 hour.

If A. is YES then don't know.
if B. is NO than don't know.
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535822 tn?1443976780
It sure sound like the hives I get but I get them round my neck and Torso,a little on my arms, could it be a crfeam, a Gel, or anything you put on your hands how about Rings ,my daughter is allergic to some gold in her rings,do you work with or use any detergent or cleaning agent,I know I have been trying to find out my problems for mine. I am on a antohistimine at the moment prescribed called Hydroxylin, it has stopped the burning and itch a lot but the red wheals are still there the stuff makes me so tired and out of it I darent drive ,I am in a very hot area of the US so I know that doesnt help as I have noticed its worse if I get Hot.Rack your Brains and think what you are putting your Hands in or puttiing on them, not easy is it.
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