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Very bad cough at change of weather

I get this cough every march or April and Sept3embedr or October.  I am 61 and have gotten this since  I was 17.  They treat it with cough mediine but it lasts 4 weeks and then disappears.  I cannot stand knowing I will get this again this fall.  
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I've had this to but its a lil' more sevre. I could just be hot  and drink a sip of cold water and start coughing so hard I coke myself!
In the winter and fall It's horrable! I can't even walk down the neighborhood "and it not a very large one" without hack and hurting.
This started for me after I stayed the night on the beach.
When I went to the doctor, they gave me a asthma test and I passed it. So they gave me a chest x-ray. the doctor said he didn't see much but that there was a small dark area in my lungs and then he said , and I quote" but im sure its nothing to worry about." .......right.

Anywho,Its like when the temperture chages my throut trys to close up. My friend had brocitis and we both seem to be having to sam syptoms.
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563773 tn?1374246539

You seem to be having pollen hay fever or allergic rhinitis as it occurs during specific periods of the year. Most pollens are windborne; they can often blow indoors (typically through open windows and doors) and trigger allergic symptoms such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever) within your home, not just outdoors. Wind-pollinated trees, grasses, and weeds produce pollen during various times of the year. Cough is a way that the body clears particles such as allergens and secretions from the airways

Diagnosis is done by skin testing. A diluted extract of each kind of pollen is applied to a scratch or puncture made on your arm or back or injected under your skin. With a positive reaction, a small, raised, reddened area with a surrounding flush (called a wheal and flare) will appear at the test site. Confirmatory tests is by blood tests (RAST).

Remain indoors when the outdoor pollen levels are highest like windy days. You can also use a pollen and dust mask. Use a clothes dryer instead of hanging the wash outside, where it acts as a filter trap for pollen. Make sure to clean and replace your air conditioner and air cleaner filters regularly. Also effective are various types of air-filtering devices, which can be added to the heating and cooling systems in the home.

You can take OTC anthistaminics like benadryl or zyrtec.You can also use some nasal decongestants but use them for a few days only. . Corticosteroids and bronchodilators can also be used if you are having difficulty in breathing or wheezing. You can also use saline nasal sprays or steam inhalation at home.

If the symptoms persist after taking these medicines, then pls consult an allergist as immunotherapy (allergy shots)may be needed.

Take care and pls do keep us posted on how you are doing..

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I have replied to you in another post.

please let me know if you have seen this answer there and would like to correspond on this issue in that post-string?

It might be a seasonal allergic phenomenon. There are many treatments available and the doctor may have to re-evaluate and then provide you with the appropriate treatment which gives you maximum relief. you may also try and use other cough suppressants such as lozenges and gargles. you may also get a second opiniob from another doctor if needed.
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