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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. Environmental triggers or seasonal or diurnal variations triggers may be difficult to avoid. But being aware of what triggers the attacks, can help to avoid the same. Also, food can sometimes be the causative agent. Maintain a food dairy and try to see if anything is triggering your attacks. Allergy testing too may be worth looking into.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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I've done all that.  I have also changed my residence.  It is not seasonal and it has been on going for a year and a half now.  I can't believe there is no Doctor that can figure this out. It is only indoor forced air systems that affect me.  I am fine outdoors or even in 100 degree heat.  It does not matter what the temperature is outside.  It is very very bad for me inside with certain air systems.  I believe it is slowly killing me.  What now?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. If being indoors is causing your symptoms, then try to keep open windows and allow proper ventilation. Also, sometimes a humidifier may help.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. If being indoors is causing your symptoms, then try to keep open windows and allow proper ventilation. Also, sometimes a humidifier may help.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted
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There are many possible causes.  I have heard of people having issues only with forced air systems in the past.

Some things you may want to consider:
1) have the ducts been cleaned recently? Mold and bacteria can grow in duct work and they need to be cleaned and sanitized by a reputable company every 2 years or so, maybe more if this is contributing to your problem.  Dust is also another problem associated with dirty air ducts.  Also, you should clean your system air filters monthly.  You may also want to try using the air filters that fit inside the vents them selves.  A HEPA system in your house may prove useful.

2)  Is there a mold source from a leaky pipe somewhere?  That will need to be properly fixed and cleaned up by a mold treatment company.

3)  Have you tried allergy proof covers on your bedding - mattress, boxsprings and pillows.?  Pollen and dust mites in your bedding could be part of the problem.  Also, try to remove upholstered furniture from your bed room and do not allow pets in there.

4)  Carpeting is terrible of allergies and allergic asthma.  You may want to see about having all carpets removed and replace them with any alternative flooring.

5)  How much of your furniture is relatively new?  New furniture off gasses a lot of rather toxic chemicals that affect asthmatics more than other people (new construction does as well).  

6)  Try using natural, fragrance free cleaning products.  I use a lot of vinegar and baking soda.  There are a lot of options available now it stores, so try to find something that works for you.

7) If you are in your mid thirties or older, discus Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) with your doctor.  This affects about 20% of all asthmatics but is highly under diagnosed.  Treatment isn't fun, but it is 100% affective if you have the disease.  It is similar to an allergy, only much more complex and involves other mechanisms.  The end result is progressive inflamation of the lungs and airways.

8)  I have thought about trying Hemalayan salt lamps.  I have read a lot of pros and cons about them.  They do produce negative ions.  If you are sensitive to ozone, this can be a problem.  However, ozone is a positive ion.  I am still thinking about getting one to try.

I know you said you moved, but these are very common problems that can exist anywhere.  Start with proper maintenance of the HVAC system and see if that helps then move on to the other thoughts as you can afford them.  Of course if you rent, you can't do much about carpeting.  You can have a good carpet cleaner clean and sanitize them.  They can also treat carpets with allergen reducing products.

I hope I haven't over loaded you.  I know how frustrating your situation is.  I lived it for the last 3 years, only the reverse.  I was fine in my own home but miserable every where else.  Fragrances are a big trigger for me.  I was treated of AERD which was absolutely life changing.  

Know that you are not alone, and certainly do keep trying.  Sometimes it is a matter of finding the right doctor to help you.  Keep searching.

God bless.
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