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Vinyl allergy?

We just got 100% vinyl shades put in our boys's bedroom.  My 8 year old started coughing after he went to sleep and then started vomiting through the night.  In the morning after he came down he seemed better fairly quickly.  The next night, he started with the cough and vomiting again.  I brought him into a different bedroom.  He vomited one more time and then was fine the rest of the night.  Should we remove these shades or is this just a coincidence?
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Thank you for the response.  We already got rid of the shades so we can't try having him sleep in the same room with them again.  We will ask his doctor about allergy testing him, though.  Thanks again.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Yes, vinyl shades can release chemical fumes which could cause allergy. You could let your son sleep in a different bed room for 2-3 days and then again make him sleep in the bedroom with vinyl shades. This will give him time to recover if the vomiting is due to something he ate at night and also if the vomiting is due to the shades. Then if again gets the symptoms, then probably he is allergic to vinyl and you will need to remove the shades from his room. You should also consult his doctor and get an allergy test to confirm whether he is allergic to vinyl or not. Take care!

The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history. Hence this reply to your post should only be considered as a guiding line and you must consult your doctor at the earliest for your medical problem.
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