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Violent, uncontrollable sneezing

I have had allergies and asthma all my life.  When I have a sneezing/hay fever reaction, it's accompanied by the usual itching of palate and eyes, and my medications take care of it.  But once or twice a month, I sneeze uncontrollably, hundreds of times, all day long, and nothing, not Allegra-D, not Claritin, not Benadryl, will stop it.  And the weird thing is, this sneezing is NOT accompanied by the usual itching.  When I have a "sneezing day," I am nonfunctional.  All events are canceled. It is absolutely exhausting.  I sometimes  wonder if it has anything to do with weather or barometric changes; it seems like it rains or there's a temp. change the following day, and my symptoms are COMPLETELY gone.  Any guesses or similarities out there?
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Just read all the posts. I thought it was just me. Symptoms described by most of you match mine exactly. I have very poor sense of smell, and a blocked nose most of the time. My sneezy days seem to occur when there is more air flow through my nose.

I do find sucking sweets helps on sneezy days and also blocking my nose off - at night with tissues and during the day when I'm away from people with my knuckles pushed up to my nostrils! Has anyone come across any sort of nostril plug that might be socially acceptable to wear in public? It just feels so anti social - everyone looks at you like you are spreading diseases. At work I take refuge in the toilet and look forward to lying down at the end of the day.
Colin, London, UK
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I also suffer from these 24 hour runny nose and sneeze attacks. I've been suffering for about 10 years now and it has gradually gotten worse. Sometimes even 48 hour attacks...it is very draining and frustrating! I've tried everything from medication, air filters, diet, etc. The only thing that seems to  stop the attacks temporarily is when I exercise. If I go out for a jog or get my blood flowing somehow my sneezing goes away. Unfortunately, it returns after my work out. My only other solution is alcohol... but that only makes me a drunk and miserable. THERE'S GOT TO BE A CURE!!! Please help I dont want to have to run and drink everyday.
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Hello, I have been suffering with these awful symptoms for 10+ and I also want to get to the bottom of this and find a cure or a solution. If you have any suggestions or tips please share. I have come to a conclusion that exercise is the only thing so far that helps me. I am going to start making notes when I have "sneeze days" and maybe that can clue us in. Just today I got rid of feather blankets and pillows.
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Wow! This has been a very interesting reading for me....I just found this site and read all your stories.....they are absolutely the same as mine.
I'm 32 and I've been having these fits forever.
I wonder, if there's a possibility of this problem being HEREDITARY, because my mom and my younger sister have it, too.
We all were diagnosed with allergies at young age and that is our problem - NO DOCTOR would ever give the problem the second thought...they just always dismiss it as an allergy reaction.
It has nothing to do with my seasonal allergies though. These sneezing attacks are so VIOLENT and painful. I had one just yesterday and I counted 78 sneezes in a row.
I usually run to wash my face and nose and even if the sneezing subsides for few minutes, the pain inside of my nose is bad....I can literally feel the membrane inside of my nose throbbing. The sneezes got so bad, that if I don't close my eyes, the veins inside would pop and I end up with bloody eyes....that's the other misleading sign - the doctors tent to add red eyes to the allergy symptoms - I bet the eyes are runny and red, because of the pressure during the violent sneezing and not allergens in the air.

I also noticed, that tissue makes the sneezing worse...it's like the tiny particles from the paper would set yet another round of sneezing fit.

I hate this...honestly. My fiance is very sweet and understanding, but I can see he doesn't get how I can sneeze almost hundred times within 2-3 minutes. I think a lot of people around the "sneezing sufferer" are annoyed with all that sneezing....and I can even see the people making  faces sometimes - just like the last week at Jewel store....just the slight temperature change and I could feel the attack brewing inside of my nose and head. I started for the exit, but I didn't make it....I was sneezing so violently, shaking and sweating.....I couldn't even keep my eyes open and focused on the door....you could see people's horrified and disgusted faces. I felt so embarassed.
For some time now I've been trying to find all the things, that trigger the attacks in a vague attempt to see a pattern - and there is a slight pattern indeed - the lack of sleep OR too much of a sleep; the temperature change and a chill.....WEIRD! Now I'm not sure if the chill is the trigger or the secondary side effect. I have also trouble blowing my nose during the sneezing day - even the paper tissues trigger even more sneezing...and there's also a pain deep inside of my nose....it's feels like itchy/ painful throbbing up in my nose....totally different like my allergy symptoms.
I discussed this matter with my mom and a sister and they both suffer these attacks. My mom has been doing Qui-gong for over 10 years and her attacks subsided, but my sister has her worst ones in the morning after she gets up and starts moving around.

I wish there would be some answers for all of us out there....for now I wish to everybody - Hang on there! You are not alone!
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Hello there!

I have the same symptoms as everyone else! I have had this since I can remember and always put it down to dust or something.

I am actually having a sneezing day right now, its really not great! Cant wait for tomorrow for when its all over! Mine starts off with a little bit of a sneeze in the morning on the way to work etc, then when im there im constantly sneezing, running nose uncontroleable, and it feels like a huge itching in my nose. It makes my eyes water and make me feel generally horrible!

I dont suffer from hayfever or anything and that never seems to affect me, when peoples hayfever comes out. Just every now and again for a day I will be totally shut down with my nose. I probably get it once a moth or something like that, no matter what the month is.

No on eelse in my family has it, its really odd. Whenever I have it, nothing helps (apart from a large glass of whisky, which sends you off to sleep) Everyone is understanding of it but it does really annoy me! Just totally takes you down for a day and then then next day you are fine!

I dont know if anyone else is the same, but if I move around, running, jumping etc it makes it a whole lot better for some reason. If I stay in the same position, like now at my desk its horrible and just gets worse.

Its great to see all of these posts of the same thing, although we all dont seem to know whats happening! Which is a bit of a shame.

Oh yeah, sitting in a steam room is pretty good for it! lol.

Anyway, ill be checking this to see more posts and keep updated! Keep strong people!

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if i had snezze early in the morning, i regularly snezze all the time.one thing is that,my room is quite cold. It made me feeling alwazs boring. If any solution.please e-mail me:santosh_phunjali***@****
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