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forehead redness

i have forehead redness. I thought it might be rosacea but I'm told it would not just be in my forehead. I tried some rosacea anti biotics that did nothing. When I get up in the morning first thing there is no redness, it starts after about 10 minutes. I took minoxidyl for a long time but i'be given that up for several months.
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Seems to be better now, I'm thinking it was an allergy to something, can't tell you what though, maybe a shampoo.. Try cutting things you use/eat one at a time & see how you go.
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Did you ever figure out why?  I have the exact same thing.
I am a woman in my mid thirties, and I've had it for a few years.
The dermatologist has no idea what it is, I think it might be relating to my sinuses, or maybe an allergy??
My GP, and even the Chinese Medicine doctor also have no explanation.
I've tried every possible cream, and an anti-inflammatory diet with no luck.
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