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What happened here?

My husband who is now 59yrs. old has developed an allergy to shrimp.  I had given him fish oils to take on a daily basis.  He took 2 gel capsules of fish oils for at least a month.  His face became one big hive so to speak.  He developed a raised red rash on his cheeks and a heavy redness around his eyes which began to exfoliate and itched.  At first we did not suspect the fish oils because he has never had any allergies or issues with fish of any kind. When we finally figured it out he stopped immediately.  It took over a month to get rid of the rash.  About 3 wks. ago he ate 4 shrimp to see what would happened and the rash around his eyes immediately came back and has taken 2 wks. to go away.  My question is did the fish oils trigger something in his immune system for him to develop a now fish allergy?  Also,  would he be allergic to all fish or just shellfish?  Why would this happen so late in life?   Thanks for any info.  Renee
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Allergies are weird things.  The easiest way to explain it is that everyone has "exposure thresholds".  By that I mean that most people are born "not allergic" to anything (some people's "exposure thresholds" are VERY low so that they start reacting with very low exposure or even their first exposure).  Allergies develope with repeated exposure to a substance.  After the "exposure threshold" has been reached the person will start experiencing allergic sysmptoms.  The fish oils could have contained some amount of shrimp products that put him over his "limit".  

My guess would be that he will be allergic to all shell fish.  That category of fish tends to be that way.  

I hope that helps some.
Take care.
God bless.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
-Our body responds to frequencies or "codes". Once the threshold has been reached for a certain group of related substances - healthy or unhealthy  matters not- the code goes into immune response mode. It is held in memory within our energetic system that is the overriding field for information processing.
Usually the substance is not offensive in the short run. A cumulative effect takes place over time.
- In the digestive system when there is an imbalance of good to bad bacteria, histamine production - which is an important neurotransmitter- may grow out of control. As histamine takes part into so many functions in the body, all these functions can go wrong because of extra histamine in the blood stream. Allergic type of reactions, excessive body fluids, hormonal changes, emotional instability, name it any system, any part of the body can be affected.

It is hard to pin point the exact cause of this "sudden" allergy, however, I suspect  above possibilities a." Rain barrel effect" / threshold reached.
b. Gut dysbiosis (digestive issue)
to be concurrently the main factors.

-To remedy the first factor, the energetic field must get rebalanced.
( Energy medicine therapists can address this easily). Once rebalanced the allergy usually clears up provided that 2nd factor is cleared as well.
-To remedy the digestive issue: Use organic apple cider vinegar 1T before each meal for digestive support.
Take with meals prebiotics and probiotics ( variety of human strains at least 50 billion). Purchase the highest quality possible. This will improve the healthy flora ( that is by a large part the basis of the immune system)
Consume adequate fibre daily for regularity.
Drink plenty of filtered water away from meals.
Incorporate daily physical activity, walking, hiking etc.

Once things get restored ease into fish oil ( only from cold water small fish- sardines and anchovies) highest pharmaceutical quality possible!
And hopefully to enjoy again fish and seafood soon. ( the Energy medicine Therapist can test for safety).
Check out "Allergy Antidotes", N.A.E.T.
and B.E.A.M. Therapies. I've trained for "Allergy Antidotes" and I'm familiar with the other  two as well. Very effective and totally natural.

Very good comments from bsmsl!

Should you have any questions or to give update, please post again.

Blessings to all.

P.S. Check my previous postings for much more allergy information
and allergy elimination procedures.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, determination of the food he is allergic to, is one of the challenges which he needs to pass through. The common existing food allergens are Peanut flour, peanut butter, powdered egg white, Powdered/fresh milk Soy milk, soy flour Wheat breads, flour etc. Allergy can develop in any age but less in old age, but can be possible. One who is allergic to fish or fish oil has more possibility to develop allergy to other sea foods. Hence, he needs to avoid further exposure in the furture.

As allergic reactions are IgE mediated, blood tests will show increase in these levels secondary to a food allergy. The problem with the food allergy testing is sometimes the amount of food they challenge with may be not sufficient to elicit any allergic reactions.
When such food is consumed in large quantities can elicit allergic reaction in the form of hives, redness of skin, itching etc. He needs to note down such food also in your diary and avoid the intake in future.

I suggest you to consult allergy specialist/ immunologist for further line of management. Take care and regards.
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