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What should Asthamtic Patients take?

I have made research in this field. There are many medication for people suffering from this problem but none of them gives a permanent solution.

To me using medications seems something, to suppress. a problem for certain duration.

Is there a permanent remedy for this problem..

If any body has a natural solution to this..Please let me know..
5 Responses
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1398693 tn?1343684738
There is no cure for asthma it can only be controlled with medications. It's just a matter of finding what medications works best for you.
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My brother had to stop eating gluten (which is in wheat, barley, rye and oats).  One of the nice things about that was 95% relief from  his asthma.  He says milk products were the last 5%.  I'm just letting you know that for some people, food can be the culprit.  His oxygen level, before going gluten free, would never get higher than 93%.  He was on many medications at the time, and they weren't helping.  Now he feels like a new person!  Maybe you would like to give the diet a try.  Let me know if you need help with the diet.  Hope this helps!
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Magnesium is used in emergency medicine for asthma attacks.  And there are several articles on google about magnesium helping people with asthma.
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And magnesium is one of several vitamins and minerals that are not absorbed when you have gluten problems.  
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A lot of people have found fish oil capsules to greatly help their asthma.
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