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Do allergy shot's help???

I have been dianosed with sinusitis last year. I had the full blown nasel clean out I had a divaited septum. I thought that would fix my problem of pressure in my head and poor concentration and face pressure. It did not help. A year later still having problem's with my pressure in my head. Now I am back on all kinds of antibotic's a year later. My vision has very bad because of this so I went to eye doctor and had caterac's got those fixed hoping it would help the pressure it did not. I  had root canal's done hoping that would help me did not get rid of the pressure. Now I am off to a Allergist to see if it is allergies to get shot's. I was wondering if anybody got this shot's and if they got better as it is real expensive. The pressure is in my mouth and in my head it is there 24/7. I was never like this before until I moved to Houston which is the allergy capital in the world. Everyone thinks I am crazy and they don't want to hear it anymore I feel so alone and just want my life back and no pressure. If anyone has had success from allergy shots could you please let me know. God Bless, Pg2355
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
It's difficult for anyone to really answer this question, as it depends on your own body. For some it works, for others it does not...and what works for some, might not work for you.
Discuss this with the allergist. He'll help you weigh the pros and cons.

I have tried allergy pills, etc over the course of the last 40 years...none have really helped me.
I do sinus rinses and use Claritin allergy spray...helps for the most part.

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1809109 tn?1331803777
I've seen them work miracles for my friends. So I'm inclined to say yes. But like tschock says, it depends on the person and you need to personally weigh up the cost versus benefit. Both of my friends were allergic to 20+ and 36 different environmental factors so the benefit was pretty huge. Now one of my friends, who used to have near nauseating headaches daily doesn't get them at all. (After 1 year of weekly shots)

For me, I don't think it would make much of a difference as I'm allergic to fragrance and lavender, with non-allergenic rhinitis to numerous other flowers, animals and dust.

Just make sure to talk it through with the allergist, because every medical procedure does have some potential (usually very rare) side effects and you need to know of these before accepting treatment.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Certain allergens like dust mites can be countered well with allergy shots. So, it depends on the type of allergen. A complete cure is possible with certain allergens. Discuss the options with your allergy specialist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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