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Why do red, itchy bumps keep reappearing on my body?

A couple of weeks ago, I went out to a bonfire with my friends. I honestly had a little too much to drink and the guy I am seeing said I was laying in the grass at one point. The next morning while staying at his house, I woke up with bumps that resembled mosquito bites all over the back of my arms and ankles. He did not have these bumps. Assuming they were just mosquito bites, I went along with my day hoping they would go away. The next day, the bumps were still on me at work and the heat seemed to make them swell more and itch more. After about a week of that, the bumps started disappearing and they were gone for a couple of days. Last weekend, similar red, itchy bumps popped up on my chest and neck. I noticed them and took some antihistamines and they slowly started going away within a day or so. The issue is that more appeared elsewhere. They have been on my lower back, buttocks, legs, ankles, upper thighs, arms again. Every time a round of them start disappearing, another round of them reappears somewhere else. They resemble bug bites of some kind and some are linear. Some are not. I have considered bed bugs but my s/o doesn't have them and they haven't really spread around my household. I haven't had any sickness like nausea or fever or sore throat. I have no known allergies and new ones appear during different time of days. What could they possible be? Please help.
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