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Will asthma cause lightheadedness?

Do you think tightness of chest, some trouble breathing and lightheadedness could be an asthma symptom?

This discussion is related to Symptoms after eating/light/noise (lightheaded, difficult swallowing, tingling).
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563773 tn?1374246539


Asthma is an important cause of chest tightness, difficulty in breathing and light headedness, but it is not the only factor for such symptoms. Others may include underlying lung(pneumonia, bronchitis etc) and cardiac pathology(angina, Myocardial infarction).It may also be due to gastritis and GERD.

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways, characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.

Diagnosis can be confirmed by lung function tests, X-Ray chest for lung pathology,ECG and echocardiography.

If you need any more information, then pls post us.

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Tightness and trouble breathing can be allergy or asthma. Light headeness can be from over breathing. I usually get heavy and tired when I get asthma like when I hold my breath too long. However I get light headed when my allergies make breathing harder because I start to force my self to breathe. Just sharing what happens to me and may or may not relate to anyone else.

Testing for both allergy and asthma is easy. You can try Benadryl and see if you breathe easier and if not can try a PFT test with albuterol for your lungs. Talk to your doctor about these options.
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I was walking in walmart yesterday and I had trouble breathing.  I have asthma and take pumps, but this was different. I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen in my brain and I could not function properly.  It was a very weird feeling.  I felt weak and I could not concentrate on what I was doing.  I just wanted to get out of there.  I even took off my coat because I found it hot in the Walmart.  I stayed in there for about almost an hour.  When I got out of Walmart, it took awhile, but I started to feel better.  What can this mean?

kind of worried because I am going to be doing a test for my heart where they are going to put a monitor on me for 24-48hrs to see if it is working properly, because sometimes I have heart palpations.

Please advise what this could be, the heart or the lungs.

Thank you
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Do you have any anxiety problems? It sounds like what you had COULD have been a panic attack.... it could have been induced by underlying problems, or could be JUST anxiety. I have had panic attacks in the past and that sounds a lot like one...

How did your holster test turn out?
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