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alcohol reaction

Often, if I drink even one drink of alcohol I get a headache and vomiting the next day.  This used to only happen with red wine, then progressed to beer, and now even one glass of white wine or 'hard' alcohol will make me sick the whole next day.  What is this?  It doesn't always happen with one drink ( I no longer ever have more than one).    I don't want to get drunk, but I would like to understand what is behind this so I can figure out what is making me sick and then, hopefully, enjoy a glass of wine once in a while..
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Interestingly enough I decided to search this question of beer allergy. I have a son who is 23 years old.  He had recently, in the las year developed symtoms of vomiting not long after ingesting beer.  He told me today that he had dinner at a friends and also had no more than four beers. He drove home, felt fine and at three in the morning preceeded to vomit profusely. So much so he has petchiae around his eyes. I had wondered out loud if there is wheat in the beer he drank. Predominately there is hops and barley.  But this has been happening to him. Allerigies do run in our family. I have IBS and cannot tolerate processed foods or bread. Lactose intolerant and one son who cannot handle nitrates. Over the years I have gone to a more natural way of eating. My husband is lactose intolerant as well. My son of course is bothered by this since he enjoys occasional beer and was not overindulging. He has decided to stop drinking beer.
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179332 tn?1273247359
you are allergic to tanin's in the wine or yeasts produced in beer...or grains in hard alcohol...not sure -
an allergist can test you to tell you for sure...
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