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Red bump, itchy rash all over

This hit suddenly 4 days ago--began on neck and back of ears and has spread over my entire body except face and palms and soles of feet. Especially bad around knees and thighs, and my ears are red and crusty. The rash seems to be colorless bumps and they turn red because I scratch and they break open. No pus or blisters. This happened almost exactly a year ago, the doctor prescribed prednisone and atarax but they didn't really do anything, so I'm reluctant to take prednisone again. I read up on hives--these symptoms don't seem to match. Any ideas? I can't think of anything I am allergic to. Perhaps stress-induced? I did color my hair three days before this broke out, but have done that many times before with no reaction like this.
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You have just described exactly what I have been experiencing this past week and I am clueless as to what it could be. I have these same itchy red bumps? hives? blotches? welts? around my legs, upper thighs, neck area and around the tummy and back. And I do not have the answer either about what these itchy bumps are!
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179332 tn?1273247359
try liquid Benedryl and see if roblem subsides - it sounds like you've gotten into an allergic reaction.  the hard part is it may take time - like 5-10 days to clear...in the meantime, if at any time your tongue swells or breathing is labored - go to the e/r
or your doctor (or call 911) you don't want it to increase from bad to fatal!
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What you describe is an allergic reaction. You should try some OTC antihistamine or antiallergic medications and see if they help.

Keep the areas clean, apply calamine lotion at the sites of the rash and other lesions.

If the lesions still persist after a few days consult an allergy specialist or physician for a proper clinical evaluation.

Let us know if you have any doubts and also keep us posted about how you are doing.

Good luck.
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