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allergy shots

My old doctor in another state had me on Kenalog 80 mg every 3.5 months. I have since moved to another state and brought along my past medical records for my new doctor. He said his program does not provide him with Kenalog and so he put me on Decadron 4 mg every 3 months. It has been a week since he gave me the shot, and my allergies are already starting to return. What is the difference between the two, and which one is better? Should I seek another doctor or  can I just go to a clinic and get my shots since I have my past medical records with me?
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351246 tn?1379682132

Thanks for the post.

Both the drugs are corticosteroids. However in Kenalog, the active ingredient is triamcenalone and in Decadron it is dexamethasone. Once the body gets used to one type of steroid, the adrenal glands in the body stop making the steroids. The change in medication should be done gradually allowing the body to adjust. Decadron is closer in structure to natural steroids in the body. Both Kenalog and Decadron have their advantages and side effects. It is the question of what suits you better. Maybe you can check with another doctor of your area about the availability of Kenalog.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted.
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Thank you for your reply, help and explanation, I will see about talking to another doctor. When you move there are many things you miss and have to get use to changes.
Again thank you,
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