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allergy to silicone

My dad has sleep apnea and the only thing that seems to help him is the breathing machine. However, he is very allergic to silicone which is the only material used to make the mask that best fits him. The mask must completely seal around his mouth and nose so we can add any material to the mask to keep it from touching his skin. I need to find something to either put on his face or on the mask itself to act a thin barrier. Any suggestions would be very helpful!!
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I am having the identical problem and have no found a solutions.  My nose and forehead breaks out and (whelps) up.  Has he found any solution.  I've gotten suggestions from the manufacturer and the sleep lab at the hospital but nothing works.   I did get cremes from my doctor to address the reaction I get but it does not prevent it.   I feel so much better on days after using the mask.  

Any help would be appreciated.

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i have this exact same problem and recently i have cut out a piece of plain lint which cam in a big sheet from the chemist i put this between the silicone and my face and it appears to help a lot though this is only initial as i have only done this for a few days but allready the redness and raised area of my cheeks appear a lot better , there is available a mask which is gel based but thier idea of large is unfortunately not large in the silicone ones
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My mother is allergic to plastic glasses.  She now needs to have cataract surgery and will not be able to have the plastic IOL's placed, they do have them made out of silicone as well, but she is concerned that she could also be allergic to those.  What safe steps should she take to determine if she would also be allergic to silicone on her face?
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I have the same problem, I am using ResMed Activa mask, No help from the manufactures....I think they are manufacturing the masks in China and they are using poising materials as they are famous for.....
Anyone have an idea please postit here....Thanks
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Hi Zoey 04
I also had a bad silicone alergy when using the face mask & nasal pillows,
i was getting desperate because the clinic told me that if i could not control the apnea i could lose my driving license. when at Blackpool victoria chest clinic the nurse suggested covering the face of the mask with some kind of micropore ( anti allergy tape) which they had in the clinic.It worked ,and i can keep the mask on all night with no discomfort or any kind of allergic reactions. hope this helps
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