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allergy vs. sensitivity

all my life, I have been unable to tolerate milk.  If I drink milk, I get bloated and severely constipated...even impacted...started as an infant.
if I eat anything that has even cooked milk or real butter in it, I get a sour taste in my mouth, and can even smell a soured odor in nostrils for several hours after.
Also, ANY dairy products make my joints swell and become very painful.

Doctors look at me like I am crazy.  even my gastroenterologist asked like he had never heard of such a condition.

ANY explanation would help.

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It is important to understand that Allergy and Intolerance are not the same thing.  

Intolerance means that your body cannot process or digest a portion of the protein or substance in the food.  Lactose intolerance or Gluten intolerance for example means your body cannot tolerate the proteins.

An allergy is an immune response to a protein in the body.  

If you ask an allergist about this or a gastroenterologist about this they will most likely ignore your non stomach and non nasal symptoms if you mention fatigue, brain fog, achy joints, rashes, bumps on your skin etc.

You probably have lactose intolerance considering your GI symptoms.  However if you do lactose free mild or take lactaid and some, but not all of your symptoms clear, you may in fact have an allergy to dairy protein as well.

Good luck!
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It would be advisable to talk to your doctor about antireflux and antinausea medication with your doctor.

Also, consult a gastroenterologist if your doctor is not ready to investigate this further.

You should also sleep with your head end elevated. This will also help.

Do keep us posted about the progress.

Good luck.
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thanks to both of you for your input.  

to B__MD.  I mentioned it several years ago to a GI doc when I was scoped for internal bleeding.  He looked at me like I was nuts.   he said he had no clue to what I was talking about.
I do have relux.  Can't sleep flat or I get to coughing.  It is supposed to be from reflux.

Denise 0202, you mentioned bumps on your elbows and knees.  I have bumps, like fatty nodules under my skin on my left upper arm.  sometimes they are painful...with no explanation from the doc.  I wonder if they are like the ones you get.  I will watch if I happen to have dairy, if they make me hurt more.  Yes, being dairy free does make me feel better.

thanks again for your input.

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I am allergic to milk and after seeing many doctors and having run many tests for  10 years I have been diagnosed correctly.  The truth is that allergies can affect you differently.  I do get pain in the joints of myfingers and I find raised bumps on my elbows and knees if I have had any dairy products ie..cookies or something with a scant amount of dairy.  Have you ever had a blood test to r/o allergy.  I get GI effects also it all depends on the way the wind blows that week.  

It is funny how just keeping milk products out of my diet made all the weird problems go away!!!
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You have lactose intolerance most probably.

Several conditions like giardiasis, rotavirus gastroenteritis can cause temporary lactose intolerance. Otherwise, it could be permanent lactose intolerance.

There are several tests to diagnose the condition including - hydrogen breath test, stool acidity and intestinal biopsy.

It would be advisable to talk to your doctor or a gastroenterologist about this in detail.

You should avoid dairy products and in turn supplement calcium, vitamin D etc in your diet.

Do let us know about your progress.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
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Sounds to me like you have some kind of lactose intolerance compounded by some sort of acid in your stomach? Do you have acid reflux/IBS? I have, and I know when I have a lot of acid in my stomach, when I drink milk, it automatically curdles in my stomach. Might this be the weird smell you are sensing?
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