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am i allergic to alcohol

hi, for the last 5 or 6 years i think i have become allergic to alcohol. even if it is in mouthwash. about a week after coming into contact with alcohol i start feeling weak, sick, bloated, my tongue feels slightly inflamed and the worst of all a weird weak trippy feeling which then turns into a full blown sensation where i feel weak and hot all over and have flashbacks to nothing significant lasts about 10-20 seconds each time, it feels like i am on drugs (really trippy). this goes on for about 5 days getting more frequent 'trips' each day. the last time it happened (18 months ago) i had the usual trippy sensation but after 4 days my lungs froze solid and i felt my heart rate drop to almost nothing then i had a big kick of adrenalin in my body and everything was fine, this lasted for about 20 seconds and repeated one more time then nothing. i am now a few days into another episode on the first day i had diarrhea which was almost black in colour. my blood pressure during a 'trip' was 180/110 pulse 78, immediately after it ended it was 156/100 pulse 92, now it's 136/88 pulse 88. today i am about 4 days in and my urine was very dark and strong smelling. any idea what's going on?  needless to say i avoid alcohol, but may stumble upon it without knowing.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, according to your history, it strongly suggests acid reflux, gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, and it is exacerbated by alcohol intake.

Alcohol in some individuals can cause gastric irritations, leading to carrying of impulses to vomiting centre. But is unusual to happen in the next morning, may be you are too sensitive to alcohol or may be due to abnormal metablolism of alcohol (due to raised acetic acid or acetaldehyde).

Dark stools is usually seen due to gastrointestinal bleeding like in stomach or small intestines. As for your blood pressure is concerned needs a evaluation. You need to undergo BP monitoring at regular interval until the there is stable BP otherwise you need undergo urinary VMA levels and MRI adrenals to rule out pheochromocytoma.

You should stop taking spicy food, vinegar and also quit alcohol.
A 24hrs gastric pH and urease breath test with upper GI endoscopy will help to substantiate diagnosis.

Antacids and proton pump inhibitors will reduce the acidity for which consult a physician.

Take care and regards.

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thank you for your answer, it makes a lot of sense, i have had stomach problems since i was 3 (ulcer) and am now 38 still with stomach problems. even though i take medication for acid reflux (which normally controls it fine), during these episodes my stomach acid is uncontrollable.  i do not take alcohol at all, if i do it is usually hidden in food without my knowledge and the symptoms usually build up over a week or so peaking at the levels described in my original post.  i am quite interested in the pheochromocytoma theory because during these episodes i have an incredible feeling running through my body for 4-5 days, which feels very familiar but i don't know why and is not that unpleasant but does feel hormonal. i will investigate with my gp.

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