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can i get an allergy due to water? i really love water n have had no issues with water till date.

my eyes r itchy n kind of red....i hav been putting the drops regularly prescribed by my doctor but it is not working...1 day it will be fine but the next day it starts again. the doctor has said that its  an allergy but i want allergy of what could it be? ALONG WITH THIS PROBLEM, I HAV NOTICED THAT MY RIGHT EYE  FLICKERS A LOT WHENEVER I FACE MY FACE WITH WATER...its only when it comes in contact with water. so i hav a feeling that i have developed an allergy of water which is affecting my eye...? please help... what d u think about it n what should i do further?
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563773 tn?1374246539
It is unlikely for the water urticaria or water allergy to develop all of a sudden. It seems that you may be allergic to pollen , dust mites etc which may be causing allergic rhinitis and itchy, red , watering eyes. Other possibility is of any eye infection causing red eye.

Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances.

Please discuss this option with your doctor.

I hope it helps. Take care and please do keep us posted on how you are doing. Kind regards.

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Im allergic to water, its cald aquagenic urticaria, but dosent effect my eyes, it effect my face but my eyes are alright but people are different so maybe you do and I dont.... Maybe you should see an allergist or a dermatologist to get checked out, take care and keep us posted.
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