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angioedema advice?

I have been diagnosed with angioedema earlier in the year.
Beginnning of June over a couple of days my forehead became swollen (proud brow) this has never gone down in 4 months and is constantly giving me pain above the eyes as well as hyper-sensitivity...My cheeks became swollen as well but these came up within minutes of standing next to a field then once id taken zirtek they would go down (this happened twice).
Because of this i was diagnosed with angioedema and prescribed tranexamic acid 500mg....this has done nothing for my forehead...it seems because of the swelling there is a fluid build up which will not go away....after 4 months i am at my wits end.
Is there anything available to reduce fluid build up or am i stuck with it?

2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, angioedema is due to hypersensitivity reaction (type 1). We cannot rule out the allergen, we can just guide to rule out the probable allergen which can probable be aeroallergen in the form of dust, pollen etc.

You need to keep track of things (maintain a diary) you were exposed to such as food, pollen, cold etc. and you should avoid further exposure.

Drugs like Adrenaline, anti-histaminics and corticosteroids are the standard mode of treatment which should be taken after consultation from physician. Other drugs which can be helpful are diuretics, ephedrine etc. Take care and regards.  
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Hi...thanks for your response
I know what caused the swelling on the cheeks (hayfever suffered for 17yrs although i only used to sneeze so this is new); my mother-in-law moved to the countryside surrounded by fields...the 2 times my cheeks swelled up was on a visit there in peak hayfever season....
The swelling on my forehead i believe is something different because unlike the swelling on my cheeks I could see the swelling gradually coming up over 4 days and this happened at home .....angioedema is sudden (i think?)....
It started to go down when i was prescribed a steriod cream but the swelling only went down so far then stopped this in turn has left me with the puffy pressure on my forehead (makes me think fluid is trapped in the tissue?
I have just bought some water retention tablets...how long do i take them for before i see any difference (if any?)......do i need to reduce my salt intake as well?

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