Is it possible for asthma to give pain in the lungs area ? I've been an asthmatic most of my life, my asthma it's being control for the most part... but whenever  it's snow, or rain somehow it seems to trigger my asthma. I'm having pain on my left side of my back, around the lung area and it make it unconfortable to even make some movements with my back.
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One of the triggers for asthma is mold.  Have you ever had your home tested for mold ?

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No, I have not tested my house for mold. I'm aware of the things that triggers my asthma, I know that I'm allergic to lots of things like, mold, dust cats, some plants, and many other things, and for the most part I try to stay away from some of those things to help myself. But I was curious to know if is possible to have pain in my back around my lungs, do to the asthma ?? and why ??
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there may be other causes. The possibilities of such pain are Costochondritis (usually experienced on left side), Slipping rib syndrome (ribs can slip and impinge on the intercostal nerve, producing pain), Precordial catch, pleuritis and Neurologic disorders (radiculopathy).

Any history of trauma to the chest should be noted down. You need to undergo radio imaging (MRI/CT) and as well as ECG (cardiac causes) to rule out the above causes. Pain killers and dabbing hot bag will help you. Along with that your asthma should be well controlled. I suggest you to consult physician and get evaluated. Take care and regards.

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Thank you for your post. I will consult my physician.
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