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cant breath

i cant breath very well at the moment and i dont no why
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Inadequate oxygenation can produce symptoms of breathlessness, as the body tries in an effort to compensate for the decreased oxygen supply. The breathlessness could be due to cardiac or lung disorders. Breathlessness on exertion could be due to the decreased lung function. Since you have been exposed to a dusty environment, it would be worth while to get yourself evaluated for occupational lung disorders. Again in cardiac disorders the heart is unable to pump the blood adequately, more so when subjected to stress like exercise. Certain systemic disorders like anemia, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies and thyroid disorders can cause these symptoms. So please consult your primary care physician who may ask for an EKG or a treadmill test to rule out a cardiac cause for the pain. He may even ask for blood tests and an X ray chest. Lung function tests could further help in evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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535822 tn?1443976780
It could be bronchitis or asthma have you any other symptoms, may be allergies , it would be a good idea to get checked out ...
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