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chlorine allergy

I'm a swimmer and have developed this rash which consists of red bumps over my back, arms, front and legs.  The rash itches terribly.  I've tried creams and lotions and the rash stops itching in about two days.  I find if I wash three times it seems to help keep it from getting to bad.  Therefore I assume that it is something in the water.

It only happens when I swim in my "Y" pool.  I swim in my own pool in the summer and have never developed a rash and the chlorine content in that pool is high.
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I am intolerant of clorox, and I got a rash only once at my pool--there was an error in the clorine content.I am intolerat of chemicals, paint, perfume, etc.

Clorox gives me asthma, headaches, sinus infections, bronchitis, Be careful of being around clorox. It is not good for anyone, really.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Since you are showing these symptoms after entering the swimming pool,so it might be that you are allergic to chlorine or any of the contents of swimming pool.It has been reported that swimming pool water increases the predisposition to allergies and hay fever inswimmers.You can confirm that be getting yourself tested for allergies by an allergist.Skin prik tests and blood tests like RAST are employed to find if you are allergic to chlorine found in swimming pools or any other chemical in the pool.

If you face any of such symptoms again,pls take an over the counter antihistaminic like benadryl or zyrtec.If symptoms are severe,oral steroids may be needed.Also,if it is your private pool,then ask swimming pool manufacturers to replace chlorine with some other chemical to which you are not allergic.

If you sense any difficulty in breathing after entering the pool,then pls consult an ER immediately as it can be life threatening anaphylaxis.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted in case of additional queries.
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I appreciate your input--I've determined the chlorine allergy after a lot of elimination and ridding of other chemicals.  The "Y" is the source of my now-hives sensitivity--also the source of my most significant source of exercise (with advanced osteo-arthritis and multiple fx. hx.).  Its been 6 years since you posted...anything new would be appreciated by all, I'm sure.

I'm 73 yo female.
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